Tamm, K.III. Physikalisches Institut der Universität GöttingenJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Zeitschrift für Elektrochemie, Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie
Our study shows that the C2C market in China is a young and experience鈥恠eeking market whose customers are price鈥恠ensitive, willing to try new services and new vendors, and comfortable with switching. The market is also a social environment where customers' loyalty to a vendor ca...
Today the 690 V-level is an intrinsic element of the LV-field. During the conference G. Voss raised the question wheter the limit for the LV class should be raised to 2 000 V ac to meet demands of the future. Many reasons support this consideration.%Der Verfasser gibt eine ...
Eine Berechnung der maximal zulässigen Reststoff- bzw. Altpapieranteile in Kompost-Rohstoffmischungen wird vorgenommen.G. Wünschmanncs.u-bordeauz2.frU. HammL GöttschingWochenblatt fur papierfabrikation
doi:10.1002/lipi.19570590107No abstract is available for this article.Kaufmann, H. P.John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology
szligSaliger R,Decker N,Prü e U.D-glucose oxidation with H2O2on an Au/Al2O3catalyst. Applied Catalysis B Environmental . 2011Saliger, R.; Decker, N.; Pruße, U. D-Glucose oxidation with H2O2 on an Au/Al2O3 catalyst. Appl. Catal. B Environ. 2011, 102, 584-589. [CrossRef]...
The Influence of the Reaction Products between SO2 and Carbohydrates on the Determination of SO2.It was found, that the decrease in chemically detectable SO2 in stored sugar solutions under mild conditions (room-temperature and 60掳C) is partially influenced by the formation of several reaction ...
An induction heated cell for determination of electrolyte conductivities at high pressures and temperatures is described. The equivalent conductivities Λ of dilute aqueous solutions of several concentrations of KCl (to 750°C and 6 kbar), BaCl 2 (to 760°C and 6 kbar), Ba(OH) 2 (to 760...
The toners possess excellent miniumum fixing temperatures in the range of from about 80掳 C. to about 130掳 C. Processes for preparing the toners are also described. ...- Alexandria, VA, US, , , - (USPTO) - - , , , , , , The Patent Description & Claims data below is from ...
The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of starch varying in rate of fermentation and level of inclusion in the diet in exchange for fiber on methane (CH 4 ) production of dairy cows. Forty Holstein-Friesian lactating dairy cows of which 16 were rumen cannulated...