itmet(优哉游哉。 Ail西轻,敏。 g()巧捷 Agecn[法] ilmt同上。 Agilita,()轻巧、敏。 意捷 Aglmet(法)轻巧地,敏捷 ien地。 aili轻,敏捷 g向法]巧。 Agilt(同。 iy英)上 imne)巧地敏捷地 Aglet(意轻,。 Agitmeo[意激,荡,急 ant]动激焦。 iado意)激动地,地,焦。 Agtn(激荡急地 Aiare)使...
If I had first met Joe as a freshman in high school we wouldn, t even have had the chance to get to know each other. Joe is a day student, but I am a boarding student. We haven t been in same classes, sports or extra-curricular activities. Nonetheless, I spend nearly every ...
A steering committee of RSSDI involving experienced diabetologists and endocrinologists across India was constituted, which met twice in the year 2017. The steering committee deliberated and defined the scope of the recommendations. As in the case of 2015 version, for all sections of the ...