Thisisa multiline descriptionwithtextthat should wrap but should alsopreserveany whitespace:likethis whitespace.Andpreservenewlines. espace:~` !@#$%^&*()_+=-<>/ Is there any way to keep these new lines? If I print out the response XML from the server directly, the new lines are preserve...
2.1.531 Part 1 Section 17.18.7, ST_CharacterSpacing (Character-Level Whitespace Compression Settings) 2.1.532 Part 1 Section 17.18.10, ST_DecimalNumber (Decimal Number Value) 2.1.533 Part 1 Section 17.18.13, ST_DisplacedByCustomXml (Location of Custom XML Markup Displacing an Annotatio...
By default Ora2Pg will auto-detect this conversion and remove any whitespace at both leading and trailing position. If you just want to remove the leadings character set the value to LEADING. If you just want to remove the trailing character, set the value to TRAILING. Default value is ...
KeenS/whitelie - A self hosted whitespace compiler ziishaned/learn-regex - Learn regex the easy way yifeikong/reverse-interview-zh - 技术面试最后反问面试官的话 EthicalML/awesome-artificial-intelligence-guidelines - This repository aims to map the ecosystem of artificial intelligence guidelines, p...
WHERE clause filter before importing data and perform a delete of some lines instead of truncating tables. Value is construct as follow: TABLE_NAME[DELETE_WHERE_CLAUSE], or if you have only one where clause for all tables just put the delete clause as single value. Both are possible too. ...
Note: When verifying a cleartext signature, gpg veri- fies only what makes up the cleartext signed data and not any extra data outside of the cleartext signature or header lines following directly the dash marker line. The option --output may be used to write out the actual signed data; ...
--sam-no-qname-trunc Suppress standard behavior of truncating readname at first whitespace at the expense of generating non-standard SAM. --xeq Use '='/'X', instead of 'M,' to specify matches/mismatches in SAM record. --soft-clipped-unmapped-tlen Exclude soft-clipped bases when reporting...
Merge shows detailed highlights of changeswithin lines. It can be configured to ignore differences in whitespace and line endings, as well as changes in lines matching specified regular expressions. The latter is useful for ignoring unimportant changes such as timestamps or expanded version control ...
trim_trailing_whitespace = true 2. .eslintignore 你可以通过在项目根目录创建一个 .eslintignore 文件告诉 ESLint 去忽略特定的文件和目录。.eslintignore 文件是一个纯文本文件,其中的每一行都是一个 glob 模式表明哪些路径应该忽略检测。例如,以下将忽略所有的 JavaScript 文件: ...
Counting number of lines in a csv file but without counting whitespace or newline feed? Counting Specific words in a Text/log file Counting the depth of nested directories Counting Users in AD security groups and getting different results with -recursive coverting CURL command to powershell CP...