His build doesn't use the trait. He uses the template swap HK to stack buffs/invis and fire Rocket (Tb with 1.5k range) while still ooc swaps back mid flight and combines it with nade busrt after. It's a pure meme move like Blasting Module suicide bombing and not something you do ...
SCP-1143 - Cool Guys Don't Look at Explosions SCP-1144 - Orion Scales SCP-1145 - Nagasaki Teddy SCP-1146 - Psycho Printer SCP-1147 - Adaptive Plum Tree SCP-1148 - Imperfect Image SCP-1149 - Erratic Weather Vane SCP-1150 - The Passengers SCP-1151 - A Handy Marker SCP-1152 - A Commo...
SCP-1143 - Cool Guys Don't Look at Explosions SCP-1144 - Orion Scales SCP-1145 - Nagasaki Teddy SCP-1146 - Psycho Printer SCP-1147 - Adaptive Plum Tree SCP-1148 - Imperfect Image SCP-1149 - Erratic Weather Vane SCP-1150 - The Passengers SCP-1151 - A Handy Marker SCP-1152 - A Commo...
guys like Shakespeare, Dostoyevsky, or Nabokov, names to conjure with. They’re over your head for the time being, but they can give you an idea of how high you can reach. You’ll learn more craft-wise by reading people on your own level and aspiring respectfully to reach...
So as 2strokebuzz enters its wane of old age (seriously you guys, I need to pull the plug on this thing and put it out of its misery) cheers to the next generation, you’re just as stupid as we were and if you’re luckier than us, you’ll stay that way. Author illnoisePosted...
Hello guys finally i am back after a pause of 20 days because of my faulty laptop but hey... i have practicing on paper a lot ...so i hope today i become specialist . As always good luck to all. Keep Coding!! → Reply » » ch---jib 4 years ago, # ^ | +4 welco...
I tend to have doubts with any drama sequel or spinoff, but after four episodes of pureawesome, I’m all in.Age of Youthis officially back, and dare I say, better than ever. This episode, the girls decide to kick it up a notch with the old and new guys in their lives and it ...
up in one run on sentence: I love to go out with guys who are cute BUT 1) not that nice 2) have a serious drug problem, or 3) I have nothing in common with, or 4) all of the above. This is what happenswhen you’re too shallow and make your decisions based on looks, folks...
Lando gives us easy Rocks and a pivoting option to preserve Azu and Nite's hp, and Band Meow clicking moves is often a good way to make things happen when you dont want to use your other guys. The Ghold set is incredibly funny, you sacrifice the Zap matchup post-tera and the Garg ...
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