TimeTec Access comes with 2-Factor Authentication, an optional security feature to protect your account, even if your password is compromised.
双重认证,或者叫多重认证,英文是 Two Factor Authentication,简写为 2FA,是目前比较流行的认证方式,越来越多的服务商需要支持双重认证,就是通常我们遇到的短信认证、人脸识别等。本文就简单介绍一些什么是双重认证,以及如何在Drupal/CMS中使用双重认证。 什么是双重认证(2FA)? 双重身份验证 (2FA) 是一种安全流程,可以...
2 Factor Authentication sends a code through text, phone call, or with a mobile app like Microsoft Authenticator when accessing email through the Microsoft website. Please follow the steps below to configure 2 Factor Authentication. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free t...
记录:2-Factor Authentication 2-factor Authentication,字面意思双因素认证,也成为双重认证。在登录账号密码之外,提供其他的方式,例如U盾,微信公众号平台中关键信息需通过微信扫二维码,指纹等等。 在企业使用云提供者的云服务,企业应该采用双重身份认证方法,才能更好地保护企业资产和业务数据,阻止未授权访问,例如使用动态令...
Two factor authentication is a security measure that has been employed by tech companies for many years now to make sure that no outsider gains access to the internal network. The basis of how 2FA works goes like this: Your username and password are static(i.e. you set them and they rare...
Synology Knowledge Center offers comprehensive support, providing answers to frequently asked questions, troubleshooting steps, software tutorials, and all the technical documentation you may need.
之前DSM 说可以支持 2-factor authentication,我还挺开心的,可以用某 dongle 了,结果似乎只在物理机型上可以,虚拟机是不行的。但是为了安全起见我也设置了一下。可是好景不长,过了一阵我竟然没法登陆了,每次到了问我要 OTP 的时候老是说不对。 第一次我使用了 reset 虚拟机解决的(参看这里),这意味着我重新...
曼彻斯特大学将通过双重身份验证(2-factor authentication)的措施,来保障学生在使用曼大网站时的网络安全。从2022年3月9日起,所有本科生和研究生(无论校内还是校外)将需要使用双因素身份验证来登录Blackboard、Outlook邮箱和Microsoft 365。学生们需要在此时间之前完成注册,以免耽误学业。学生在注册双重验证时,如需帮助与...
The method by the server, and generating a first validation code, in application scenarios of the service requesting authentication of the user himself, and displaying the first validation code to the user, the application scenarios receiving a second verification code transmitted by a user through ...
2-Factor Authentication¶ EspoCRM supports the following 2-factor authentication methods: TOTP (as of v5.7) Email (as of v7.0) SMS (as of v7.0)An administrator needs to enable 2FA at Administration > Authentication and select allowed methods. Then users can enable 2FA for their accounts....