among Japanese immigrants in Peru during the first half of 20th century analyzing the diaries of Jiro Kanashiro (1894-1988) who immigrated to Peru from Okinawa in 1914 with his wife as contracted plantation workers, and later had success in rice production in northern coast area called Chimbote....
美国一度还为潜在盟友的损失感到焦虑,担心智利独占秘鲁那些盛产硝石和鸟粪资源的土地。秘鲁前任总统普拉多(Mariano Ignacio Prado,1876-1879)这时又突然出走,加剧了秘鲁国内的政治动荡,新上任的彼罗拉总统(Nicolás de Piérola, 1879-1881)为争取美国的支持,表达...
港口航线代码表.doc,港口航线代码表 港口中文名 港口英文名 航线 国别代码 港口代码 斯温西 SWANSEA 6 303 2071 塔伯特 TARBERT 6 303 2072 米德尔斯布勒 TEESPORT 6 303 2073 廷默思 TEJGNMOUTH 6 303 2074 坦比 TENBY 6 303 2075 瑟尔索 THUYSO 6 303 2076 托伯莫里