回音室效应(Echo Chamber Effect)回音室效应也被称为“同温层效应”是指在一个相对封闭的环境上,一些意见相近的声音不断重复,并以夸张或其他扭曲形式重复令处于相对封闭环境中的大多数人认为这些扭曲的故事就是事实的全部。回音室效应在互联网信息传播中的表现是网民往往倾向于选择让自己“愉悦的东西”,排斥与自己观点...
心脏解剖学: 心尖的2 腔室回声平面(Cardiac Anatomy: Apical 2 Chamber Echo Plane) 资源编号 :61663769 格式:obj 文件体积 :5m 下载量 :2 云检查 obj截图 云检查详情 3dsMax工具内截图透视图 默认明暗处理 云检查收起 方式:3dsMax工具内截图 环境:3dsMax 2022, windows10 ...
chamber 房间, furniture 家具, cooperation 合作, string 字符串, ceremony 仪式, cheek 脸颊, profile 轮廓, mechanism 机制, penalty 处罚, match 比赛, resort 度假村, destruction 破坏, bear 熊, tissue 组织, pant 喘气, stranger 陌生人, infection 感染, cabinet 橱柜, apple 苹果, virus 病毒, dispute...
SCP-1383 - Partially-Functioning Pataphorical Torment Chamber SCP-1384 - Taker of Turns SCP-1385 - The Mistake Ring SCP-1386 - Sentient Ice Cream Van SCP-1387 - Giant Seagull Airlines SCP-1388 - One Size Fits All Superoos® SCP-1389 - A Saint SCP-1390 - A Dead Language SCP-1391 -...
57513. Space Chamber Hit 57612. Jet Stream Hit 57711. Alien Slam Hit 57810. New Era Drone No Pulse 57909. New Era Drone 58008. Voices of the Ancient Drone No Reverse FX 58107. Voices of the Ancient Drone 58206. Origin Drone No Pulse 58305. Origin Drone 58404. Scape of Sound Drone...
【补充资料】(来自于网络)回声室效应Echo Chamber Effect,意指网络技术在带来便捷的同时,也在无形中给人们打造出一个封闭的、高度同质化的“回声室”。研究者将这种效应归纳为:在网络空间内,人们经常接触相对同质化的人群和信息,听到相似的评论,倾向于将其当作真相和真理,不知不觉中窄化自己的眼界和理解,...
Sixty patients with chronic AF and 20 age and sex matched normal control individuals underwent conventional echo where LV dimensions, wall thickness, EF, LA diameter and volumes were measured. Peak left atrial longitudinal strain (PALS) was measured in apical four (AP4) and two chamber view (AP...
Assessing the motion of the left ventricle (LV) wall only from a single echocardiography view may lead to missing the diagnosis of MI as the RWMA may not be visible on that specific view. Therefore, in this study, we propose to fuse apical 4-chamber (A4C) and apical 2-chamber (A2C) ...
1.GFMC Compund---> Missile Launcher导弹发射器 9.Hall of Honored Dead --> Seeker Launcher跟踪导弹发射器 21.Grand Windchamber -->Sunbrust光能冲击波(冲击球&钩爪&跟踪导弹&强力炸弹) Great Temple 18.Main Energy Controller --> Light Suit光明铠甲(恢复三个神殿能量后) ...
If we are talking about how to create reverb effects in any way, you would see an answer including different types of devices, like Chamber reverberator, Plate reverberator, Spring reverberator, etc that can be found in audio effect units and guitar pedals. For those who want to add reverb ...