children more born there, and by a second wife ten more, in all seventeen; of which I remember thirteen sitting at one time at his table, who all grew up to be men and women, and married; I was the youngest son, and the youngest child but two, and was born in Boston, New ...
This person was a man about forty-five years old, and he was standing at the gate of one of those cozy little rose-clad cottages of the sort already referred to. However, this one hadn't a deserted look; it had the look of being lived in and petted and cared for and looked ...
the coach willliterally throw a towelinto the ring to end the fight. in everydaylife,this idiom simply means admitting defeat and giving up. throwing in the towel(认输)"是另一个来自拳击的常见习语.如果一名拳击手输
The children were listening, their eyes and mouths wide open, their spades forgotten in small fists. 7. “Now, just a minute,” Morton said courteously,“you must realize….”“Aw, shut up,” said the man. Her heart began to pound. Morton half rose; the Times slid to the ground. ...
Then, as the sun rose, the little valley beneath the ivy-covered hills became dotted with white shirts,and everywhere men worked madly, without speaking, and women spread seeds. There was no heat in the light of the sun, and there was a sharpness in the still thin air that made the me...
Lucy rose from her knees and went to a little distance, holding her pretty head on one side, as if she had been arranging Maggie for a portrait, and wished to judge of the general effect. "Stand up a moment, Maggie." "What is your pleasure now?" said Maggie, smiling languidly as ...
“Say,Mr.Marshal,”growled the glum-faced man.“This isn't quite fair.I'm needing a drink,and haven't had a smoke all day.Haven't you talked long enough?Take me in the smoker now,won't you?I'm half dead for a pipe.” The bound travelers rose to their feet,Easton with the...
“This isn't quite fair. I'm needing a drink, and haven't had a smoke all day. Haven't you talked long enough? Take me in the smoker now, won't you? I'm half dead for a pipe.” The bound travelers rose to their feet, Easton with the same slow smile on his face. “I...
the border of the provinces of Caux and Picardy, in a kind of place half farm, half private house; and here, soured, eaten up with regrets, cursing his luck, jealous of everyone, he shut himself up at the age of forty-five, sick of men, he said, and determined to live at peace...
I'm half dead for a pipe." 我烟瘾犯得死去活来。” The bound travelers rose to their feet, Easton with the same slow smile on his face. 绑在一起的两名旅客站了起来。伊斯顿脸上依然挂着幽幽温温的微笑。 "I can't say no to a need for tobacco," he said lightly. “我不好拒绝,他需要...