【详解】627+358=985 803-444=359 256×9=2304 404×7=2828 913×7=6391 190×7=1330 结果二 题目 列竖式计算。627+358= 803-444= 256×9=404×7= 913×7= 190×7= 答案 985;359;23042828;6391;1330相关推荐 1【题文】列竖式计算。627+358= 803-444= 256×9=404×7= 913...
【答案】329;2304;6372;笔算加减法要相同数位对齐,从个位算起,验算时可以加减互逆运算;乘法根据三位数乘一位数的计算法则计算即可。※505-176=329 256×9=2304 708×9=63725 0 5 176 329 验算:329 17 + 6 505 结果二 题目 列竖式计算,带※的要验算。※505-176= 256×9= 708×9= 答案 329...
Compact waveguide crossing is a fundamental component of optoelectronic fusion chip solutions due to its orders-of-magnitude smaller footprint than that of conventional photonic integrated circuits. In this paper, we suggest 2 × 2 compact silicon-on-sil