Itnhetphreespernetsewnotrkw,ocrhke,mcihceaml eitccahlinegtcahninaglysains afolyrstihsefMorMthPeI-gMroMwPnI- cgryrsotwalnwcarsysctaarlriwedasocuatruriseidngoDutimuseitnhgylDsiumlfeotxhiydlessuollfvoexnidt feosroeltvcehnint gfotrimetecsh1in5gs tainmde3s015s.sTahned e3tc0hse.dTshaemeptclehewd...
NNH2 NNHH22 H2N SO2NH H3CO N N NONHHC2H2 3 HH22NN N SSOO22NNHH O OCH 3 HH33CCOOTrimethopOOrCCiHmH33 SulphamethoxazoNNle OO TTrriimmOOeeCCttHhHho3o3 pprriimm Figure 7. Structure of co-trimoxazole. SSuullOpphhaammeettOhhooxxaazzoollee FFFiigigguuurrreee777...FSSStttrrruuuccctttuuu...
Histone H3 lysine 36 residue can be modified in the forms of mono-, di- and trimethy- lation. It is well recognized that SETD2 is the main methyltransferase for catalyzing H3K36me3 in cells [8,9]. A recent study demonstrated the function of SETD2 in catalyzing H3K36me2 in mouse ...