environment to run in parallel , and speed up its implementationof orders of magnitude. javakaiyuan.com javakaiyuan.com JPPF是一个Java开源网格计算平台,它能够让多个Java应用在一个分布执行环境中并行运行,并加快其执行的数量级。 javakaiyuan.com
This chapter discusses the orders of magnitude and rates of convergence. In many areas of mathematics, the use of the and symbols of Landau is a great convenience. These symbols give some quantitative meaning to the phrases of the same orders of magnitude and also of the smaller order. ...
It is noted that in both media the acceptor densities in LBE are about 2 to 3 orders of magnitude lower than those of the 0.1 M borate buffer solution. Careful considerations were taken to understand the origin of such discrepancy. Firstly, the C-E linear dependence suggests that the MS...
摘要:An important strand of research in macro-finance investigates which factors impede enterprise investment, and what is their aggregate economic cost. In this paper, we make two contributions to this literature. The first contribution is methodological: we introduce a novel framework to calibrate m...
英语翻译请翻译order一词在例句中的意思:1.The amplitudes of the interface returns(物体表面回波的振幅) vary statistically over many orders of magnitude.2.an expected bias error on the order of ±1 m RMS(均方根).
goblet epithelial cells whereas the abundance of TGM2 was two-three orders of magnitude lower than TGM3 in the respective cell population (Fig.1b). To evaluate the tissue localization of TGM2 and TGM3, immunohistochemical analyses were performed in WT,Tgm2−/−andTgm3−/−animals ...
英语翻译请翻译order一词在例句中的意思:1.The amplitudes of the interface returns(物体表面回波的振幅) vary statistically over many orders of magnitude.2.an expected bias error on the order of ±1 m RMS(均方根).
The range of SARS-CoV-2 concentrations spanned three orders of magnitude from 1000 total copies to 1 total copy per a given sample (Additional file 1; Table S5). We generated and sequenced eight technical replicates per concentration from the cDNA samples. Following Illumina sequencing, the ...
There is also essentially nocorrelation between the magnitude of grain strain and grain orientation derived parameters like the Schmid factor and the Taylor factor, largely due to deformation bands at the mesoscale that are not crystallographic. At these strain levels, the relationship between ...
(www.mitranscriptome.org, with reference G018828|T081486). The quantitative measurement of expression levels indicates thatHMGA2mRNA and the two isoforms ofRPSAP52are 2-3 orders of magnitude overexpressed when there is hypomethylation of the promoter-associated CpG island, as shown with Illumina’s...