lol, idk why he is. and thx Reactions: Gross Sweep, Kentari and Felucia RNGIsFatal Banned deucer. Sep 1, 2017 #648 DEG said: Kyurem-Black is in my opinion on the same level as Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Mega Gyarados, Mimikyu. ... It's not a question of If Kyurem-Black get...
What holds it back is def the Dragon metagame, and U-turn on unexpected mons (Ogerpon), it also has to stretch itself to beat a lot of stuff which makes it annoying for the player and opponent. I still don't see it as problematic yet. Custap Berry. lol. I have yet to see ...
Darkrai has no sleep mechanic left hypnosis lol (and a useless ability) so it's got plenty of checks while still beating relevant pokemon and having multiple viable sets. Click to expand... Gotta disagree with you with the whole "hypnosis is useless on darkrai" argument. Unlike Mega ...
Since everyone and their mothers have been testing Custap thoroughly on the ladder I have come to my decision on what I think should happen to this item (not that I have any say lol). In my very professional opinion, I do not think Custap Berry/Endure should be banned. As mentioned ...
lol In my book, Zekrom is every bit as good as Kyurem-B, and although likely less versatile, quite possibly better. Would write some more, but I've got semester finals to study for, so just gonna wrap it up with this: Zekrom should not be unbanned. Reactions: Iron Crusher, DEG, ...
This is a very underrated pokemon in gen5 1v1 in my opinion. It generally does similar things to arcanine but with a worse stall movepool, however, it benefits massively from not being fire type which is one of the weaker types for this metagame. It also gets access to stab giga impact...
the magnet rise is for mons like sturdies, and other, slower metagrosses (or is it metagrossi?) grassknot is because its special lol so just let it beat stuff like swampert and donphan and yes, this set is memey, but also yes, I have had an extreme amount of success with this se...
I’m done here lol Thanks for reading and have a good day Reactions: Fertile Crescent, Nuclearstomp and TheShadowClaw superstrike66 Aug 28, 2018 #1,554 Just a heads up, prepare yourselves for a rant. RunWithTheScizors said: Dragonite - more towards ban Multiscale, great stats, goo...
First of all i voted no ban on jirachi and voted ban on zygarade-complete other suspects i wasnt around since i was on my break from this terrible game called pokemon(jk I dont hate it now as I did before,but its still not a good game lol)and the suspects that I wasnt around aka...
Funny how smelly socks's the post with 20+ likes is credited as the Cinderace sets yet all these variants come out of no where lol I mean, considering that smely's post was made literally the day off Cinderace's release+the fact that it has only a scarf set, two band sets and a...