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This contextualisation of writing or speaking made output oriented teaching of the classroom language an authentic procedure. In addition to authentic input texts, learning materials promoting lexical development and gamified activities fostering intercomprehension, the ability to understand new languages ...
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The findings in this study suggest that MEAs significantly support design-based classroom activities. While overall student design performance was reported to show no significant increase, aspects of design displayed significant improvement. Technology and engineering teachers should examine MEAs as potential...
The Role of Positive and Negative Evidence in the Classroom : Does the Subset Principle Operate in L2 Learning? Teaching focused on the positions of the two kinds of English adverb: adverbs of manner and adverbs of frequency. Grammaticality judgement test, comparison ... 島田,勝正 - 英米評論...
The Distracting Effects of a Ringing Cell Phone: An Investigation of the Laboratory and the Classroom Setting The detrimental effects of a ringing phone on cognitive performance were investigated in four experiments. In Experiments 1 and 2, the effects of different... JT Shelton,EM Elliott,SD Lyn...