图5为CS、1T-WS2和11T-WS2/CS的XRD谱图,可从图中看出:所制备的WS2纳米片在9.05° (002)处的显示出峰值,以及相应的二阶衍射峰18.02° (004)处,表明制备的WS2纳米片为1T相,这可以通过铵离子插层来解释[13];CS在24.2°和43.5°处出...
Cobalt-doped tungsten disulfide nanorods were synthesized by an approach involving exfoliation, interca- lation, and the hydrothermal process, using commercial WS2 powder as the precursor and n-butyllithium as the exfoliating reagent. XRD results indicate that the crystal phase of the sample is 2H-...
本文所给出的半导体2H-和金属1T-相单层MoS2均表现出良好的稳定性。相较于2H-TMDCs液相剥离法以及锂插入/脱出 1T-TMDCs萃取剥离法,此方法更有效、方便和安全,有望用于其他TMDCs的合成,如合成不同相的WS2。此外,在太阳能作用下,MoS2基光催化剂具有较高的催化析氢活性,上述工作对于设计和制备相应的MoS2基光催化剂...
本文所给出的半导体2H-和金属1T-相单层MoS2均表现出良好的稳定性。相较于2H-TMDCs液相剥离法以及锂插入/脱出 1T-TMDCs萃取剥离法,此方法更有效、方便和安全,有望用于其他TMDCs的合成,如合成不同相的WS2。此外,在太阳能作用下,MoS2基光催化剂具有较高的催化析氢活性,上述工作对于设计和制备相应的MoS2基光催化剂...
1t-ws2图谱中在9.3°、18.3°、31.9°处出现三个衍射峰,分别属于1t-ws2的(002)、(004)、(006)晶面。纯ni2p xrd峰形与六方ni2p xrd标准图谱(pdf#03-0953)相一致,表明制备ni2p纯度较高,不含其它杂质。三组分ni2p/1t-ws2/znin2s4复合样在9.3°处归属于ws2峰消失,分析可能是ni2p影响或者是样品分散性高...
XRD patterns of the (a) MoS2, (b) MoS2:Cu2+, (c) MoS2/rGO and (d) MoS2:Cu2+/rGO nanostructures. Full size image The Raman spectra of all the films deposited on glass substrate (Fig. 3a) showed two modes at ~379, ~405 and ~443 cm−1 corresponding to in-plane E2g 1, ...
Atomic structures and magnetism in small MoS2 and WS2 clusters First-principles calculations on stoichiometric Mo n S 2 n and W n S 2 n ( n = 1 – 8 ) clusters show that their lowest energy atomic structures are domi... P Murugan,V Kumar,Y Kawazoe,... - 《Phys.rev.a》 被引量:...
XRD patterns were used to identify the difference between BP and OBP of WS2 nanostructure and composite material with 1T-WS2 (Figure 5a–c). First, the XRD patterns of pure BP have peaks at 2θ = 17°, 34.3°, and 52.5° due to the (0 2 0), (0 4 0), and (0 6 0) planes ...