Managed IoT Connectivity - Get your global IoT SIM cards for 10 years at $10 with 1NCE's pioneering Lifetime Flat, covering 173 countries. Order our cost-effective IoT SIM card solution now!
1NCE是全球唯一專為IoT通信連線和軟體提供均一化費率方案的供應商,在全球 173 個國家/地區提供快速、安全且可靠的通信連線和軟體服務。 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat 提供企業用戶在透過一次性付款後,在IoT設備的整個生命週期內持續使用無須擔心額外成本,使IoT運用變得經濟實惠且易於擴展,適用於智慧公用事業、資產追蹤、...
1 Configure 2 Registration 3 Add Address 4 Finalize Your 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat 10 years 500 MB & 250 SMS 173 countries 2G/3G/4G/NB-IoT APN & OpenVPN API & Data Streamer 1NCE OS Support & Customer Portal IoT SIM Card Business ...
1NCE OS 針對每個人在建置或維護物聯網產品時都會遇到的通用問題提供解決方案。 將單一用途的模組化建置區塊嵌入到您的 IT 基礎架構中。 開放環境-不鎖定供應商 所有數據都屬於您。我們擁抱開放的業界標準和開源。 如果需要,我們可以提供符合規範的協定(即Lightweight-M2M)來幫助您彈性選用供應商。
1NCE - Connecting your fleet Intelligent Fleet Telematics comes with a big promise to the industry: reducing the total cost of ownership (TCO) in fleet operations. However, the costs for telematics hardware and software must also be considered. Plus, something that is often neglected and has pr...
1 A Alexander Bufalino 创始人 Alexander Bufalino,1NCE创始人。 Alexander Bufalino,1NCE创始人。 竞品信息 20 导出 序号产品名称当前融资轮次成立日期产品标签所属地简介所属公司 1 深开鸿 A轮 2021-08-26 硬科技 广东 深圳开鸿数字产业发展有限公司(简称“深开鸿”),以智能物联网操作系统领跑者为战略目标,...
IoT SIMs provided by 1NCE IoT SIM Card Business This is a 3-in-1 plastic SIM card used for our 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat. This SIM is best suited for off-the-shelve, ready-to-use IoT devices. It easy to install, exchange, swappable between devices and ready for the IoT production env...
1NCE GmbH是全球首个固定费率物联网(IoT)提供商,现在面向澳大利亚、日本、墨西哥和加拿大等另外60多个国家,扩展其物联网连接服务。凭借此次扩展后的网络覆盖面,1NCE固定费率物联网现在将能覆盖全球103个国家。1NCE凭借其固定费率物联网,为物联网连接确定了新标准 -- 只需10欧元(总体拥有成本),物联网客户...
软银参股德国物联网供应商1NCE 据彭博6月8日报道,日本软银集团入股德国物联网供应商1NCE。软银将在亚太地区的19个市场独家销售1NCE服务,包括澳大利亚、日本和新加坡。1NCE将在新加坡和日本开设办事处。
In the 1NCE Customer Portal you can easily manage and configure your 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat and your 1NCE IoT SIM cards.