COSY[英]['k??zi][美]['koz?]同核二维相关谱 3)HMQC spectrum质子检测多量子异核化学位移相关谱 4)HMBC spectrum质子检测异核多键化学位移相关谱 5)homonuclear correlation spectroscopy同核相关 6)heteronuclear single quantum correlation异核单量子相关谱 延伸阅读 耒阳令曾君寄禾谱农器谱二书求诗【诗文】:...
Two-dimensional correlated spectroscopy (COSY)is used for measurements of proton-proton spin-spin coupling constants in protein1HNMR spectra. High digital resolution along the frequency axis蠅2is achieved by placing the carrier frequency in the center of the spectrum, using quadrature detection in ...
A 8.55 B 7.675 C 7.374 D 6.926 E 6.554 F 4.661 G *1 4.031 J *1 3.953 K *1 3.919 L *1 3.669 M 2.53 N 2.43 to 2.28 P 2.00 Q 1.965 ASSIGNED BY H-H AND C-H COSY. J(A,F)=6.0HZ J(C,D)=10.9HZ Hz ppm Int. 3422.12 8.563 43 3415.89 8.548 46 3067.38 7.676 162 2953.00 ...
1H NMR399.65 MHz C27H42O4saturated in CDCl3 (25R)-3beta-hydroxy-5alpha-spirostan-12-one Assign. Shift(ppm) A 4.340 B 3.598 C 3.487 D 3.348 E 2.513 F *1 2.400 G *1 2.226 J 2.114 K 1.91 L 1.77 P 1.061 Q 1.047 R 0.902 S 0.790 PARTIALLY ASSIGNED BY C-H COSY. ...
The 1H and 13C NMR signals of derivatives of 79<2004T4151> and 96 <2000EJO3489> were assigned based on 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy comprising distortionless enhancement by polarization transfer (DEPT), 1H-1H-COSY (COSY – correlation spectroscopy), heteronuclear multiple quantum correlation (HMQC...
欧阳公谱西都花,蔡公亦记北苑茶,农功最大置不录,如弃六艺崇百家。 曾侯奋笔谱多稼,儋州读罢深咨嗟。 一篇秧马传海内,农器名数方萌芽。 令君继之笔何健,古今一一辨等差。 我今八十归抱耒,两编入手喜莫涯。 神农之学未可废,坐使末俗惭浮华。
1 H-NMR spectrum acquisition NMR spectroscopy was conducted at 310 K on a 14 T Bruker Avance III spectrometer (Bruker BioSpin, Rheinstetten, Germany) equipped with a 5 mm TXI probe head with gradients, automated tuning, and matching accessory (ATMATM), BCU-I for the regulation of temperat...
(Bottom) Comparison of the19F,1H HOESY and HMBC experiment. While the HOESY spectrum has a correlation to the proton of the heterocycle, the HMBC shows a correlation to the NH protons. Technical Details Observe broadband high resolution probe ...
2) {1H1H COSY 1H-1HCOSY3) ~1H~1HCOSY ~1H-~1HCOSY4) ~(1)H-~1HCOSY spectrum 1H-1HCOSY谱5) ~(13)C-~1H COSY ~(13)C-~1HCOSY6) Geometric average (GA) method 2D EXSY补充资料:《佩文斋广群芳谱·药谱》 《佩文斋广群芳谱·药谱》 《佩文斋广群芳谱·药谱》 药学著作。又名...
results as one of the main olive leaves’ components15with the signals related to its functional groups indicated in Fig.1. Moreover, signals of sugars such as sucrose, glucose, and mannitol are also shown. The signals of quinic acid were also identified and are pointed out in the spectrum...