分析:图1是未水化硅酸盐水泥的Si-NMR图谱,图谱中主要在化学位移为-71ppm左右存在一个较为尖锐的峰,在此位移的峰主要为孤立的岛状硅氧四而体结构·一般此处存在三个谱峰,分别为70ppm左右71ppm左右以及73ppm左右前两者属于水泥中单矿C3S的化学位移,后者属于C2S的化学位移。 10: 19 F 对于医药小分子,大分子分析...
利用核磁共振对其进行研究乏善可陈.造成这一现象的主要原因可能在于芳香环体积较大,往往存在慢的翻转运动,导致其NMR信号被展宽.作者利用CPMG-INEPT HSQC序列可以有效地减小慢运动影响的特征,将其应用到了GB1蛋白质芳香环的1H-13CHSQC谱中,有效的增强了芳香基团HSQC谱信号的灵敏度,得到了部分在常规HSQC中无法观测的...
Bach, A C
Figure1:ProtonNMRspectraofperdeuteratedpyridiniumchlorideinDMSO-d6 Thisworkwassupportedbythe DOE Office of Biological and Environmental Research through the BioEnergy Science Center (BESC). Acknowledgements 2D HSQC spectra DRX 500 MHz NMR spectrometer ...
X. Li, K. Hu, in Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy, 2017 3.4.3 HSQC0 As stated earlier, the cross-peak intensities in 2D 1H–13C HSQC spectrum are modulated by many variables. Thought the overall signal attenuation factor for different compounds can be theoretically [15] calculated, its ... NMR, 2D HSQC NMR, and13C NMR Solvent exchange was performed by pouring 10 mL of aqueous CtNWs (1.38 w/v%) or CsNWs (0.48 w/v%) suspensions into acetone to reach a 15/1 v/v acetone/H2O ratio. The precipitate was recovered by centrifugation (5000 rpm, 10 min) and the...
摘要: 应用1H NMR,13C NMR,DEPT135,1H-13C HMBC,1H-13C HSQC,1H-1H COSY和1H-1H NOESY 等多种NMR 技术,对文献报道的洛莫司汀(Lomustine)1H 和13C NMR数据进行了修正与补充;特别是应用2D NMR 对重叠程度较高的环己烷区进行了指认归属,并确定了其空间构型.关键词: 核磁共振(NMR);结构归属;洛莫司汀 ...
2D HSQC NMR spectrum showing the methine and methylene resonances of the V-B copolymer. and J 61.6--62.8 ppm that are broadly assigned as BB, VB, and VV diads. This is due to the fact that the chlorine group has a strong inductive effect on the chemical shift of the nearby carbons. ...
Calculate 2D NMR spectra for1H,13C, and15N nuclei Predicted1H NMR spectrum of a four component mixture Predicted1H NMR spectrum showing scalar coupling Overlay and view predicted NMR spectrum next to experimental spectrum Predict 1D31P and19F NMR and 2D1H–13C HSQC-DEPT and long range15N–1H ...
摘要 应用1H NMR,13C NMR,DEPT135,1H-13C HMBC,1H-13C HSQC,1H-1H COSY和1H-1H NOESY等多种NMR技术,对文献报道的洛莫司汀(Lomustine)1H和13C NMR数据进行了修... 关键词核磁共振(NMR) / 结构归属 / 洛莫司汀 收藏 全部来源 求助全文 国家科技...