To further improve the accuracy of traffic classification, we propose a hybrid method of 1DCNN-TCN-GRU for traffic data authorized classification. The proposed hybrid model extracts more complex features by combining the advantages of one-dimensional convolutional neural network (1DCNN), temporal ...
在1DCNN的基础上加入了批归一化层, 并在全连接层前加入注意力机制; 同时在原有TCN的基础上进行改进, 使用Leaky ReLU激活函数代替ReLU函数; 将改进后的TCN与1DCNN相连接。仿真实验结果分析表明, 该模型不仅能够迅速识别出辐射源信号, 识别准确率也较高, 能够有效平衡模型识别速度和识别精度。 关键词: 辐射源信号...
We propose an industrial fault diagnosis model. This model is established on the base of the temporal convolutional network(TCN) and the one-dimensional convolutional neural network(1DCNN). We add a batch normalization layer before the TCN layer, and the activation function...