Stick-Breaking自注意力是设计用于取代Transformer解码器的自注意力层,使用狄利克雷过程中的Stick-Breaking(折棍子)过程对每个字符xt与之前的字符x Stick-Breaking自注意力的优势在于它会自动关注最近的相关字符,而不需要引入额外的位置信息,比如position embedding和relative position bias。 给定一个包含 t 个时间步的输...
We can find that the echo position of the simulation field and the reference field in the PPI display is not completely consistent, because the relative position between the simulated radar and the weather echo cannot be guaranteed to be consistent with the actual radar when the weather echo is...
Our systems are characterised by measuring the distribution of particles and holes as a function of the lattice filling, and interaction strength, and we probe the particle mobility by applying a bias potential. Our work provides the foundation for preparation of low-entropy states with controlled ...
Printing is a promising method for the large-scale, high-throughput, and low-cost fabrication of electronics. Specifically, the contact printing approach shows great potential for realizing high-performance electronics with aligned quasi-1D materials. Despite being known for more than a decade, reports...
All four studies considered that the position of the interfacial crack front(s) that accompanies the partially formed interface(s) was dictated by a balance between the elastic strain energy stored in the deflected segment of the 1D material and the adhesion energy of the interface(s) within the...
(ωnml×xnl),where gml+1 is the mth input of the l + 1th layer; xnl is the nth input of the lth layer; ωnml is the convolution kernel weight between the nth input of the lth layer neuron and the mth input of the l + 1th layer; bml+1 is the bias corresponding to the ...
Set to this position when not using the camera. 1 : The camera turns on. J : The camera and 5 operate (p.43). About the Automatic Self-Cleaning Sensor Whenever you set the power switch to 1/ J or 2, the sensor cleaning will be executed automatically. During the sensor cleaning, ...
It is obvious that the results of MRE deviating from the actual bias of the satellite-derived Rrs from some pairs with large RE values. To reflect the actual situation of the relative error, the pairs with RE values higher than 100% are taken as outliers and excluded from the statistical ...
Finally, the classification layer calculates the difference between the predicted value and the actual value through a loss function and updates the parameters (weight and bias) of the network. The loss function is generally set to cross-entropy, which is used in classification problems....
uw_centre (float, optional): position of upper wall potential. Defaults to 0.0. uw_kappa (flaot, optional): force_constant of upper wall potential. Defaults to 0. F_static (array, optional): Option to provide a starting bias potential that remains constant through the algorithm. This could...