代码为testprj.py: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def Weighted_Jacobi(v, f, n, niter, omega): v2 = v.copy() a = 0.5 * omega b = 1.0 - omega c = a d = a for iter in range(0, niter): for i in range(1, n): v2[i] = a * v[i-1] + b * v[...
(5)g∗=argming∈Xdist(f,g) 即函数f在给定函数空间X中的最优逼近即为它的投影. 由此也将式(1)之优化问题等效为式(3)之方程求解. Part Ⅱ:投影之计算 在给定函数空间X(假定为n维线性函数空间)中选择一组完备的基函数{ϕ1,ϕ2,⋯,ϕn}, 则 (6)g∗=∑i=1naiϕi 代入式(3)...
迦非喵:1d+Poisson Equation+Eigenvalues of the iteration matrix简单测试0 赞同 · 0 评论文章 这里继续重构: 参考: Textbook:A Multigrid Tutorial, Second Edition , by Briggs, Henson & McCormick 有: 代码为testprj.py: importnumpyasnpimportmatplotlib.pyplotaspltdefWeighted_Jacobi(v,niter,omega):v2=v....
(2014) Solution of 1D Poisson Equation with Neumann-Dirichlet and Dirich- let-Neumann Boundary Conditions, Using the Finite Difference Method. Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Ap- plications, 6, 309-318. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jemaa.2014.610031Gueye, S.B., Talla, K. and Mbow, C...
An innovative, extremely fast and accurate method is presented for Neumann-Dirichlet and Dirichlet-Neumann boundary problems for the Poisson equation, and the diffusion and wave equation in quasi-stationary regime; using the finite difference method, in one dimensional case. Two novels matrices are de...
An innovative, extremely fast and accurate method is presented for Neumann-Dirichlet and Dirichlet-Neumann boundary problems for the Poisson equation, and the diffusion and wave equation in quasi-stationary regime; using the finite difference method, in one dimensional case. Two novels matrices are de...
This paper is concerned with both the local and global internal controllability of the 1D Schr¨odinger-Poisson equation i ut(x, t) = -uxx + V (u) u, which arises in quantum semiconductor models. Here V (u) is a Hartree-type nonlinearity stemming from the coupling with the 1D Poisson...
在前面的基础上: 迦非喵:1d+Poisson Equation+Gauss–Seidel iteration vs Wavenumber简单测试2 赞同 · 0 评论文章 这里继续重构: 参考: Textbook:A Multigrid Tutorial, Second Edition , by Briggs, Henson & McCormick 有: 代码为testprj.py: importnumpyasnpimportmatplotlib.pyplotaspltn=12m=int(n/2)dx=1....
My example shows how to obtain numerical solution of 1D Vlasov-Poisson equations using ENO-like method by Eric Fijalkow. For more information concerning method and example from my code see original paper E. Fijalkow "A numerical solution to the Vlasov equation" // Comp. Phys. Comm 116 (1999...
在 迦非喵:国产CFD开源软件OneFLOW+One-Dimensional Poisson Equation+Steepest Descent简单测试2 赞同 · 0 评论文章 这里继续重构: 参考: http://physics.ujep.cz/~dkramolis/plazma/Dalsi%20materialy/Poisson_1D_3.pdfphysics.ujep.cz/~dkramolis/plazma/Dalsi%20materialy/Poisson_1D_3.pdf ...