结直肠癌是全球范围内发病率和死亡率居首位的消化系统恶性肿瘤,结直肠侧向发育型肿瘤(laterally spreading tumor,LST)是一种直径≥10mm沿肠壁周围横向生长的扁平型肿瘤,因极少向肠壁深层垂直侵犯,而主要沿肠道黏膜表面呈侧向浅表扩散,故称为侧...
Until recently, with the diagnosis support which uses the brain activity signal, mean value of the group of subjects and comparing with dispersed value were main current. But, in that case, it was difficult to absorb personal equation, precision as a diagnostic support technology was low. It ...
A process for the recovery of metallic powder, e.g. copper, from oxidic feeds involves leaching the feed with an SO2/aprotic polar solvent combination to form a metal sulphur oxyanion salt, and then decomposing this salt to yield a metallic product. Other oxides may be eliminated or re-cycle...
从日料Omakase,再到中餐Omakase、咖啡Omakase,再到如今的面包Omakase,似乎啥都可以Omakase。 这到底是是噱头还是创新? 中餐Omakase餐厅头灶,人均2000+,菜量一点点。餐厅从本质上还是传统粤菜,只不过用了板前的呈现方式,也就是分餐制而已,...
This paper investigates a new strategy for early detection of defects in a power transmission pair of spur geears. Sensitivity to local defects is enhanced by processing the signal as follows. The orthogonal discrete wavelet transform (ODWT) of the band-pass filtered averaged signal is first obta...
Blockchain is an emerging digital technology allowing ubiquitous financial transactions among distributed untrusted parties, without the need of intermediaries such as banks. This article examines the impact of blockchain technology in agriculture and food supply chain, presents existing ongoing projects and...