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Oculus Browser, Odd Browser, Opera Mini iOS, Obigo, Odin, Odin Browser, OceanHero, Odyssey Web Browser, Off By One, Office Browser, OhHai Browser, OnBrowser Lite, ONE Browser, Onion Browser, Opera Crypto, Opera GX, Opera Neon, Opera Devices, Opera Mini, Opera Mobile, Opera, Opera Ne...
More: Oculus Blog, The Independent, Reuters, and New York Post Tweets: @alexeheath, @rstephens, @mikeelgan, @reckless, @tojiro, and @stokel Blake Brittain / Reuters: Apple and Broadcom win a new trial after persuading a US appeals court to vacate a $1.1B verdict in a patent-infring...
Facebook adds multi-user support and app sharing to Oculus Quest— Facebook is making Oculus Quest headsets easier to share with others with a couple of new features being rolled out starting today. Support for multiple user accounts as well as app sharing are coming to the more recent Quest...
背景知识Facebook游戏部门日前也推出了自己的游戏串流App,加入了云游戏的军备竞赛。该公司10月26日宣布了它的云游戏平台,顽皮狗工作室的联合创始人Jason Rubi也加入了该公司进行串流服务工作,此前他曾与Facebook合作进行Oculus的开发。...
玩家一号这本书据说是Oculus人手一本,VR蓝图,现象级的作品。看完之后我算是知道为什么Oculus干不过Vive估计也会被大法吊打了,毕竟意识跟不上啊。 与其说是科幻,更加像是一部中学生的练手之作。科技描写的部分从思路上来说应该在十年二十年也可能更早的时候就已经出现了,... (展开) ...
2007年,卡马克在与妻子度假时,在手机上玩游戏,并决定开发一款“出色的”手机游戏。2007年8月,卡马克加盟虚拟现实游戏公司Oculus VR,并担任该公司首席技术官。2013年11月,他辞去了id Software的工作,开始全职在Oculus VR公司工作。 卡马克是知名的开源软件倡导者,多次公开反对软件专利。他还参与过开源软件项目。1995年...
The Norwegian Military Wants to Use Oculus Rift to Navigate Tanks More: Tujobs, Washington Post, tu.no, The Verge, VentureBeat, CNET News, The Register, TechSpot and Daily Mail Jon Brodkin / Ars Technica: FCC commissioner says FCC “invented” new authority to regulate Internet More: The...
Facebook says it is working to bring its services back online as users around the world report issues with Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Oculus, and WhatsApp — While you can open the apps, they're missing major functions — Facebook and Instagram appear to be partially down for some use...
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