+ +```yaml +taskRoles: + train: + resourcePerInstance: + cpu: 2 + memoryMB: 16384 + gpu: 4 + ports: + debug: 1 +deployments: + - name: debug + taskRoles: + train: + preCommands: + - >- + if [ ! -d /pai_data/debug ]; then mkdir --parents /pai_data/debug; fi + ...
平台定位:第三方对接必须通过开放平台(T+系列产品,从17.0开始必须通过开放平台对接) 对接模式:应用入驻、平台集成 对接场景:行业应用对接、企业自研应用对接、T+低代码对接 视频介绍:https://c4960-openplatform-train-oss.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/open/platformChrief.mp4 ...
a series of stamps 一系列邮票 a chain of … /a train of … /a trail of … /a string of … /a stream of … 一连串的/一系列的... 🎈catastrophe [kə'tæ strəfɪ] n. 大灾难 (一般指百年不遇的特大灾难) mishap 小事故 /accident /...
恭喜武汉市规划研究院陈韦获国家专利权 龙图腾网恭喜武汉市规划研究院申请的专利用地开发强度控制方法、装置、计算机设备以及存储介质获国家发明授权专利权,本发明授权专利权由国家知识产权局授予,授权公告号为:CN114066334B。 龙图腾网通过国家知识产权局官网在2022-04-08发布的发明授权授权公告中获悉:该发明授权的专利申...
" said Donna de Varona, who was a gold medal Olympic swimmer in the 1960s and knows from experience. De Varona set a world record at age 13, lost it at 15, got it back at 16 and retired at age 17 because back then, little funding existed for girls like her to train and compete...
当列车失位时,需要通过LCD软件查看()和gps_trainPosition.trainRear.location变量。 A. gps_trainPosition.trainFront.location B. gps_location C. time__clock.second D. ioDrv_portOutputValue[2]的BIT4 查看完整题目与答案 当查看LDC软件发现()变量异常时,将会导致列车失位。 A. time__c...
既往高血压、糖尿病15年。曾有多次短暂黑蠓病史。查:Vod0.8,Vos0.04,IOPl5mmHg(右),IOP 32mmHg(左)。右眼未见明显异常。左眼虹膜可见新生血管,晶状体玻璃体无明显混浊,视乳头色淡,动脉细窄,静脉轻度扩张迂曲,后极视网膜水肿,散在片状出血及棉绒斑。左眼FFA显示充盈时间显著延长,视网膜小动脉管壁染色。...
+ +```yaml +taskRoles: + train: + resourcePerInstance: + cpu: 2 + memoryMB: 16384 + gpu: 4 + ports: + debug: 1 +deployments: + - name: debug + taskRoles: + train: + preCommands: + - >- + if [ ! -d /pai_data/debug ]; then mkdir --parents /pai_data/debug; fi +...
>配置可信域名:https://c4960-openplatform-train-oss.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/open/domainManage.mp4 编译后demo(视频中介绍使用到的demo):https://c4960-openplatform-train-oss.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/open/domain/demoCompiled.zip demo的源码:https://c4960-openplatform-train-oss.oss-cn-beijin...
Choose the correct steps to take the train in China? ( ) A. Pass ID-ticket check and security check at the station entrance B. Find the right waiting room and wait for boarding C. Check in at the right boarding gate D. Go to the platform for boarding 查看完整题目...