1939(1989) Sven-Olof Hultgren Prästen Bevisbördan(1978) Peter Haber Polisassistent Wirén The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo(2009) Sten Johan Hedman Actor (as Sten Hedman) Enemy's Enemy(1990) Harald Hamrell Actor The Restaurant(2017) ...
(1989) 1989年12月18日 (瑞典) 剧情:When the war breaks out, Annika lives with her parents in Vaermland, close to the border to Norway. Her cousin Harald is a dealer in the black market but has to escape from the police to Norway. Annika moves to Stockholm and gets a job as a ...
(1989) 瑞典 6.7 0看过 0想看 片名1939上映时间1989年12月18日(瑞典)导演 Göran...又名1939编剧 Brasse Br&...Catti Edfe...主演 Helene Egelund海伦娜·贝里斯特姆Per MorbergIngvar HirdwallAnita Ekström 剧情 When the war breaks out, Annika lives with her parents in Vaermland, close to ...
Wuthering Heights: Directed by William Wyler. With Merle Oberon, Laurence Olivier, David Niven, Flora Robson. A servant in the house of Wuthering Heights tells a traveler the unfortunate tale of lovers Cathy and Heathcliff.
《卿何薄命》是由爱德芒德·古尔丁执导,贝蒂·戴维斯、乔治·布伦特等主演的爱情片,于1939年4月20日在美国上映。该片讲述了个性倔强的社交名媛朱蒂丝因自己的疾病与脑科大夫斯蒂尔相识、相爱,最后斯蒂尔陪伴朱蒂丝走完生命剩余时光的爱情故事。剧情简介 朱蒂丝·特拉赫恩(贝蒂·戴维斯饰)出现了幻觉,在骑马跨栏时...
For 1939, Dorothy was the perfect character for young girls. She echoes many of the small town country girls who, in the midst of the depression, packed their suitcases and ran to Hollywood seeking fame and fortune in the movies. For them, this film is a cautionary tale that they’d be...
新世界电影公司没能实现斯坦・李的愿景,在股市崩盘的环境中负债累累。短短两年后,1989 年初,漫威再次易主。新世界以 8250 万美元的价格,把它卖给了露华浓(Revlon)的董事长佩雷尔曼(Ronald O. Perelman),一个曾经出价 40 亿美元买下吉列剃须刀的男人。
The movie was actually reviewed well by film critics, who seemed to mainly appreciate its unpretentiousness; Pauline Kael referred to it as a “Super-B movie” and Gene Siskel gave it three stars in his review. It’s possible that the audience was just nostalgia’d out by the time of it...
1939年5月,第一届戛纳电影节(当时还名为国际电影节,Le Festival International du Film,该名词一直到2002年才改为戛纳电影节)筹备中,预计该年9月开展,路易·卢米埃尔担任主席,8月美国米高梅电影公司带着大量好莱坞明星前往戛纳,但随着德国闪击波兰,电影节被迫取消,随着战争局势的加紧,第一届戛纳电影节直到二战结束...