Battle of Britain 1939-1945 Star; Pacific Star with Burma clasp; Defence Medal; 1939-1945 War Medal with Oak Leaves (07.1945) - (04.1946) HMIS Khanjar * * indexed, but not listed as such Azar, Joseph Jacob Son of Jacob S. Azar, and Sally Balas. Married Evelyn Beatrice Colvin (...
AFC 07.09.1945 ? MID 01.01.1946 ? Queen's Coronation Medal (23.10.1953) while commanding (as Wing Commander) No.418 (Auxiliary) Squadron * Squadron Leader Lowe is a capable and confident captain whose determination to complete his sorties successfully has been a feature of his tour. In his...
This website provides a source of information for family, friends and the public interested in finding out more about foreign aircraft and their crews involved in crashes or landings in and around neutral Ireland during the Second World War, 1939-1945. ...
At the Paris Olympics, a Japanese judoka and former Penn State wrestler named Naito Katsutoshi wins a bronze medal in Olympic free-style wrestling. Although the Japanese judo community was unimpressed, a young judoka named Hatta Ichiro was thrilled, and in April 1932 the 25-year old Hatta ...
1 star 2 Date Range 1 week 1 month 3 months 1 year All time Hey there! Start your review AVERAGE USER RATING Write a Review WEBSITE PREVIEW LOAD TIME 0.4seconds FAVICON PREVIEW 16x16 CONTACTS AT UBOAT.NET Gudmundur Helgason ...
Berge Mevatne also received Lloyds Bravery MedalThe following all received a Commendation: 1st Mate Finn Johansen, 2nd Mate Engel Thuen, 3rd Mate Georg Aschehoug, Steward Trygve Hansen, Cook Kjell Høier, and Able Seaman Olaf Olsen.Some reports say that this convoy had intentionally been used ...
在德国,1939铁十字大十字星章是计划德国获得了第二次世界大战胜利之后。授予最有成就的德国将军。由于德国在1945年战败,所以没有授予任何人。但鲜为人知是有一枚奖牌被制.造,但从没被提起过。盟军占领部队在战争结束后发现,最终被西点军校收藏。 它比赫尔曼·戈林获得的大铁十字勋章[只在战争时期颁发了一次]更高级...
Distinguished Service Medal (Greece), 30.04.1946 (for service at HHMS Adrias) MRCS, LRCP, DPH, DIH. 17.10.1942 HMS Pembroke IV (accounting base, Chatham) 11.1942 - 04.1945 HMS Nile (RN base, Alexandria, Egypt) (additional; for various services): 11.1942 - 05.1943 HHMS Adrias (Greek es...
Colgate Prize, IADR, 1961; Tomes Medal, BDA, 1987. Deputy Lieutenant (DL), Greater London, 1992 (Repr. DL Lambeth, 1994). Published: The contribution of dentrifices to oral health. a colloquium held at Guy's Hospital Dental School on 26th June, 1979 (1980) edited with J J Pindborg;...