1929年华尔街股灾(Wall Street Crash of 1929),又称大股灾(Great Crash)及1929年华尔街股市崩盘(Stock Market Crash of 1929),以牵连层面和持续时间而言,是美国历史上最严重的一次股灾。 后世亦多以“黑色星期四”、“黑色星期五”、“黑色星期一”及“黑色星期二”来形容华尔街股灾,这是因为股市崩盘并非起迄于一...
78.The crash of the United States stock market 细节理解题.根据第一段内容可知,1929年美国股票崩盘,银行倒闭,工人失业,人民失去存款,进而导致了美国经济大萧条.79.To keep the American public informed about importance issues/messages/the changes细节理解题.第二段To keep the American public informed about ...
It was a severe economic crisis—a(an) depression—the worst of time. The economic crisis began with the stock market crash in October, 1929. For the first year, the economy descended very slowly. But it dropped sharply in 1931 and 1932. And by the end of 1932, the economy collapsed ...
美股从来就是个“大户市场”,借“小散”之名翻云覆雨是破天荒第一次,但万变不离其宗,借一处破绽或一个题材,把整个华尔街搅得翻江倒海却不乏其例,最著名的,莫过于“1929股灾”(StockMarket Crash of 1929)和“肯尼迪断崖”(Kennedy Slide)。 20世纪20年代是美国经济和社会盲目乐观、人们无限追求享乐的所谓“咆...
Wall Street Crash of 1929 文中图片来源:Stock Market Crash Causes Depression 此稿完成于:Jul 2, 2015 美国中部时间 *本文作者欢迎非商业用途的转发与交流,但须注明出处与作者(徐惟能)。本文作者(徐惟能)保留著作权,任何带有商业用途的使用与传播须经得作者本人同意,谢谢。
世界经济大危机又称"1929-1933年资本主义世界经济危机,大危机从美国迅速蔓延到整个欧洲和除苏联以外的全世界,是迄今为止人类社会遭遇的规模最大、历时最长、影响最深刻的经济危机。BBC纪录片《1929 Stock Market Crash and the Great Depression》记录了当时的情况。L看鉴的微博视频...
The stock market crash of 1929: Under the surface of America’s economic prosperity in the 1920s, there were serious weaknesses, including no regulation of the investment companies, stock market speculation and over-expansion of credit. The first blow to the stock market came on October 24, 19...
1929年10月24日,Black Thursday, the American stock market crashed 11% at the opening bell. 美国几大银行当天做出应急快速反应,通过买入美国钢铁等蓝筹股succeeded in halting the slide. The Dow Jones Industrial Average recovered, closing down only 6.38 points (2.09%) for the day. ...
内容提示: 1929 年美国股灾(In 1929 the U.S. stock market crash) Review of the 1929 U.S. stock market crash The economic crisis sweeping across the industrialized countries in 1929, with a deep degree of harm, a long duration, a wide range of influence and a lot of political interference...
1929年10月28日,史称“黑色星期一”。当天,道琼斯指数狂泻38.33点,日跌幅达13%。黑色星期一之后是黑色星期二(1929年10月29日),道琼斯指数比星期一又下跌了12%。与1929年9月3日的历史高点381.17收盘价相比,下跌了40%。1929年美股崩盘时间线 1929 Stock Market Crash Timeline 到1932年7月8日,道琼斯...