In the 1911 census her tenants included drapers’ assistants William Lane and Kathleen Murphy, Laura McGuire – a stenographer and typist who had been born in India, butcher’s assistant Patrick Sullivan and Christopher O’Conor who listed his occupation as Commissioner of New York – a wide ...
Colt m 1911 682019-10 查看更多 猜你喜欢 327 芯片战争芯片战争芯片战争芯片战争芯片战争芯片战争芯 by:产业地产章伟 3019 外国战争录 by:YoCaiTS 107.4万 两伊战争-80年代伊拉克伊朗战争 by:云起伏牛山 3.9万 佰年战争录 by:限量版的溫柔 1.1万 共和国战争 by:莫问侠 9577 中国战争史|中国历史战争全集...
However, Colthurst was also known to occasionally commit acts of an ‘eccentric’ nature. A Major Goodman of the Curragh Camp had known Colthurst since 1904, when they were stationed in India. He told of how he shot a dog that had barked during the night. When he asked if the dog was...