千凌沫音创作的外语有声书作品1914,and Other Poems|英语朗读,目前已更新19个声音,收听最新音频章节1914 019 CLOUDS。这是诗人RupertBrooke在1915年出版的诗集。诗人以不同的身份视角向大家展现了一个处于动乱年代的真实...
所属专辑:1914,and Other Poems|英语朗读 猜你喜欢 1.3万 情感电台Ⅱ感情Ⅱ分析Ⅱ故事 by:小小说_北辰 980 五音疗愈Ⅱ五行养生Ⅱ安神静心Ⅱ解郁降燥Ⅱ五行音药 by:产品军师 8.2万 织谣Ⅱ by:华语音乐 7449 五音疗愈Ⅱ五行养生Ⅱ宁神静心Ⅱ舒郁清燥 ...
Brooke, Rupert
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The1930ssawintellectualpoemswithindustrialandurbanimageryandpoliticalconsciousness.HeadedbyW.H.Auden(奥登),agroupofpoetsfounded“thepylonpoets”(牛津诗派). The1940swastheperiodofNeo-Romanticism.DylanThomas(迪伦?托马斯)wasthemostbrilliantpoet. Thedrama: TheEnglishdramaduringthisperiodneverreachedthesamepointof...
Stafford was known for his quiet daily ritual of writing and his focus on the ordinary. The gentle quotidian style of his poetry has been compared to Robert Frost. His poems are typically short, focusing on the earthy, accessible details appropriate to a specific locality. In a 1971 interview...
Each selection has been thoroughly reedited, and the order of the poems has been rearranged in light of redating or other reconsiderations. All headnotes are new or updated, and many footnotes have been added, replaced, or revised. "Crit... PB Shelley,DH Reiman,SB Powers - Norton 被引量... ChapterVIIAmericanLiteraryCriticismbetweentheTwoWorldWars 7.1TheEarlyPsychologicalCriticism7.2TheCultural-HistoricalCriticism:V.L.ParringtonandEdmundWilson7.3TheLeftistLiteraryCriticismofthe1950s7.4TheRiseof“NewCriticism”
We dip our pens into ourselves and write. Some love poems Written in high school; published in theChester Times,Dec. 16 1931 Lament You built a throne for me of all your love, And called me princess in your mad delight To tread earth with you, drink rain and stroke your hand — ...