Dive into implementation best practices for Subscription Offers using StoreKit and server-side logic. Learn how to generate signatures, determine customer eligibility, and reduce churn, plus gain insights into strategies for distributing offers to your customers and utilizing Subscription Offers... ...
"China's great efforts over the past three years have laid a solid foundation for the optimization of the COVID-19 response measures, and we are confident that we will secure a complete victory in the fight against the pandemic," it said. It noted that China's adjustment to its COVID-1...
We showed that the model trained on CycleGAN transformed contrast CTs has the best performance (test on the non-contrast CTs); however, this modality transformation is not always helpful, as the performance degenerated when training on the raw plus translated contrast CTs. We developed a densely ...
The recent COVID-19 pandemic, which has hit the world, is third in the last two decades. The safety and precaution measures have led to the generation of a
The SARS-CoV-2 infection causes severe immune disruption. However, it is unclear if disrupted immune regulation still exists and pertains in recovered COVID-19 patients. In our study, we have characterized the immune phenotype of B cells from 15 recovere
15. REMAIN vigilant to the potential risks to regional financial stability, foster closer regional financial cooperation and policy coordination and support the ASEAN Plus Three Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO) in monitoring the economic and financial development in the region and providing timely risk...
iPhone 15 普通版 厚度:7.8mm长度:147.6mm宽度:71.6mm重量:171 克 iPhone 14 的尺寸和重量:厚度:7.8mm长度:146.7mm宽度:71.5mm重量:172 克 据 MacRumors 信息源称,iPhone 15 将继续使用与 iPhone 14 完全相同的边框材料 ——6013-T6 铝合金,可以认为 iPhone 15 Plus 与 iPhone 14 Plus 之间的...
iPhone 14 Plus iPhone 14 Pro iPhone 14 Pro Max 设置和开始使用 将iPhone 开机并设置 唤醒和解锁 设置蜂窝网络服务 使用双 SIM 卡 接入互联网 Apple ID 和 iCloud Apple ID 设置 打开或关闭 iCloud 功能 订阅iCloud+ 查找设置 设置邮件、通讯录和日历帐户 ...
上述曝光的这款魅族19ProPlus,一体真全面屏的设计带来了耳目一新的视觉效果,以至于整个手机的颜值有了大幅提升,1英寸超大底影像系统的融入使得该机的拍照性能将会更上一层楼,尤其是高通骁龙8 Plus以及20G运存等核心硬件的加入,使得该机的综合硬件配置让人眼前一亮!如果上述曝光的这款魅族19ProPlus属实的话,无...
17 @cipriancraciun/covid19-datasets COVID-19 derived and augmented datasets (based on JHU, NY Times, ECDC) exported as JSON, TSV, SQL, SQLite DB (plus visualizations) 17 @UniversalDataTool/coronavirus-mask-image-dataset Image dataset from Instagram of people wearing medical masks, no mask, ...