ElCOVID-19ha vuelto a cobrar vidas en la regiónPiura. En un comunicado, la Subregión de Salud Luciano Castillo Colonna informó sobre lamuerte de una mujer de 73 años,residente del caserío San Vicente de Piedra Rodada, enSullana, quien presentaba comorbil...
Among the South American countries that are part of this campaign are Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, and Uruguay (UN, 2018). Within this campaign, many of the initiatives are based on banning single-use plastics (bags, straws, disposable tableware, etc.), ...
Focus group participants were migrant and refugee women aged 18–65 from the following countries of origin: Bangladesh, Cameroon, Colombia, El Salvador, Gambia, Ghana, Honduras, Libya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Senegal, and Syria. Data were collected during the first year of COVID-19, so more...
MAAS-5 is expected to present MI between Peru and Mexico. The previous hypothesis is based on the fact that both countries share influences and cultural characteristics, which would generate a similar way of learning and practicing mindfulness (Demarzo et al., 2015). In addition, it is ...
Se confirma el nuevo pago para los fonavistas de las listas 1 a la 19. - Crédito Fenaf Perú Fonavianuncia el primer nuevo pago para 2025. Los lineamientos delReintegro 3han sido aprobados en la sesión del jueves 16 de enero de laComisión...
MAAS-5 is expected to present MI between Peru and Mexico. The previous hypothesis is based on the fact that both countries share influences and cultural characteristics, which would generate a similar way of learning and practicing mindfulness (Demarzo et al., 2015). In addition, it is ...
La versión en español del CAS posee evidencias de validez y confiabilidad para medir la ansiedad por la COVID-19 en una muestra de universitarios peruanos. Abstract Introduction and objectives COVID-19 has generated negative consequences for people's mental health. This is the case of Peru, ...
The objective of this study was to evaluate the psychological impact of confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic, considering any protective factors, such as the practice of meditation or self-compassion, and their relationship with different lifestyles
Res. Public Health 2020, 17, x FOR PEER REVIEW Fatalities in Latin America 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 10 of 19 10 of 20 Brazil Peru Equador Mexico FFiigguurree 77.. FFaattaalliittiieess dduurriinngg CCOOVVIIDD--1199 iinn LLaattiinn AAmmeerriiccaa uunnttiill 22 JJuunnee 22002200 ...
Peru: Information on a publication named Agronoticias, the names of the members of the editorial board and contributing journalists and on an article written about the arrest of 4 peasant leaders of the National Agrarian Confederation in 1994 ...