Background: 18F-DCFPyL PSMA PET imaging is now FDA approved for patients with high-risk prostate cancer and those with biochemically recurrent prostate cancer (BCR). BCR has been traditionally defined as a rising PSA after definitive surgery and/or radiation have not been curative in patients ...
FDA不良反应(企) 药物警戒(企) 疾病分类与代码(ICD) 临床路径 临床合理用药 临床诊疗指南 兴奋剂禁用目录 辅助与重点监控用药 中国OTC目录 药物化学 原料供应 百万化合物 杂质对照品 日本MF注册 美国DMF注册 欧盟CEP认证 原料药、药用辅料和药包材登记 韩国DMF注册 结构式检索(企) ...
[18F]DCFPyL was recently approved by the FDA as a PET imaging agent for prostate cancer patients in 2021. [68Ga]Galdotadipep was used to compare the similarity in tumor targeting and in vivo biodistribution using the FDA-approved drugs, [18F]DCFPyL, and [68Ga]PSMA-11. [68Ga]Galdotadi...
[18F]-DCFPyL, an FDA approved PSMA-based PET agent, has demonstrated superiority for early metastatic prostate cancer detection [1]. However, a pitfall of PSMA-PET is the presence of indeterminate PSMA uptake in soft tissue and bone lesions [2,3]. Since metastatic prostate cancer commonly ...