诊断甲状旁腺功能亢进的“新武器”—18F-FCH PET/CT甲状旁腺显像 甲状旁腺功能亢进症(简称甲旁亢)是甲状旁腺激素分泌过多所引起钙、磷和骨代谢紊乱的一种全身性疾病。手术是治疗原发性甲状旁腺功能亢进症和经内科治疗无效的严重继发...
状态:固体/粉末/溶液 分子式 【相关产品】18F-DOPA核素分子探针18F-二羟苯丙氨酸 分子靶点:递质类 11C-FMZ核素分子探针11C-氟马西尼 分子靶点:γ-GABA受体 18F-FMZ核素分子探针11F-氟马西尼 分子靶点:γ-GABA受体 18F-GE179核素分子探针分子靶点:NMDA受体 18F-GE180核素分子探针分子靶点:TSPO 11C-...
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18F-FDG,相信了解petct检查和做过petct检查的人都不陌生,18F-FDG是一个非常神奇的药物,它被誉为“世纪分子”,是21世界非常重要的影像学检查PETCT非常常用的显像剂。并且该药物对人体没有危害。那么,18F-FDG到底神奇在哪呢?我们一起来了解一下。 18F-FDG就是18F-氟脱氧葡萄糖,是一种糖类,和葡萄糖类似,还带有...
A representative example of an 18 F-FDG-avid lesion in the right hepatic lobe of the liver (shown within the yellow circle) as seen on both same-day preoperative diagnostic whole-body 18 F-FDG PET/CT scan (panel A; SUV max of 8.2 at 73 minutes post-injection of 585 megabecquerels of...
The usefulness of F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography in patients with Langerhans cell histiocytosis. Ann Nucl Med. 2012;26:730–7. Article PubMed Google Scholar Krajicek BJ, Ryu JH, Hartman TE, Lowe VJ, Vassallo R. Abnormal fluorodeoxyglucose PET in pulmonary...
18 F-FAPI-42 PET/CT vs. CE-CT in initially diagnosed patients Of the 16 initially diagnosed patients, 14 underwent CE-CT scans. According to the CE-CT reports, 4 (28.6%) patients were diagnosed with appendiceal neoplasms, 3 (21.4%) were diagnosed with colon cancer with peritoneal metastase...
Data from a new study suggests that prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA)-targeted positron emission tomography (PET) imaging is superior to 18F-fluciclovine PET for detecting biochemical recurrence in men with prostate cancer. However, whether one o