<P>The 1878-1882 first five San Francisco Mint Morgans are considered the best-struck in the 95-issue series. At the time, the recently opened S-Mint had the nation's finest coin-producing equipment and specialized in Morgan silver dollars. The 1882-S is
Knowing the history of your Morgan Silver dollar collection is not only fun to learn but it also gives you a better understanding of how the silver mining business affected the currency history of the US. At the time of production, there were plenty of silver miners that would take their fr...
1882 P Morgan Dollar (KM-110) - AU - Silver. Light cabinet tone. Nice! Price SKU: USA882P-1D001 US$ 88.37 € 85.82 £ 72.47 AUD 142.84 CHF 80.61 CAD 127.55 Rates for: 01/18/25 Add To Cart Follow StoreAdd to Watch List All VCoins dealers agree to be bound by the V...
1882-CC Morgan Silver Dollar PCGS MS64 竞买须知 1、拍卖行的拍卖活动受拍卖活动行为发生地相关法律、法规约束; 2、拍库仅向您提供拍库平台服务,您了解的拍库平台上的信息系第三方商家提供图片,且可能存在风险和瑕疵,拍库无法逐一审查商品及/或服务的信息,无法逐一审查交易所涉及的商品及/或服务的质量、安全以...
1882-CC $1 Carson City Morgan Silver Dollar - Free Shipping USA $432.98 185336678925 1882-CC $1 Morgan Silver Dollar - Carson City Mint - Free Shipping USA $449.99 175348305689 1883-CC $1 Carson City Morgan Silver Dollar - Free Shipping USA $539.98 175197381979 1884-CC $1 Car...
Trusted expert on Morgan Silver Dollars Good-Very-Good Condition. Buy Morgan Silver Dollar G-VG 1882 O over S online 24/7 with Golden Eagle Coins. Call 1-800-735-1311. Trusted coin dealer since 1974.
古籍书目> [乾隆]德化縣續志稿一卷 书名《[乾隆]德化縣續志稿一卷》 书名[乾隆]德化县续志稿一卷 作者(清)楊奇膺修(清)江雲霆纂 版本清光緒八年(1882)補刻本 卷数1册 下落天津圖書館 内容 说明本栏目只提供馆藏线索,不代表本站有影印。 影印检索其他古籍 ...
The place is known now as Kinder Hook, and before the war it was thought to be of very little value so that no one took notice of it. During the war some squatters got on it and built a mill on one of the streams, and after the war this party set up a title to it so that ...