NancyAdam创作的儿童有声书作品180days of reading,目前已更新67个声音,收听最新音频章节Chapter4 loneliness。
阅读理解(满分8分)外文素材选自180 Days of READING夜晚的光People say that the sky is dark at night. Yet there are also a lot of stars in the night sky. These stars provide a lot of light. There is a lot to look at in the night sky!The stars in the sky have guided people for cen...
《【中商原版】180 Days of Reading 180天练习册阅读理解学前班 教辅图书》,作者:【中商原版】180 Days of Reading 180天练习册阅读理解学前班 教辅图书Darcy Mellinger 著,出版社:Shell Education,ISBN:9781087652023。
小编推荐:180天练习册阅读理解系列 180 Days of Reading 美国原版教辅 有答案 学前 幼儿园 小学 1 2 3 4 5 6 年级可选 大音 查看图文详情分享 ¥ 138 不领券 ¥ 138 领券购买 相关推荐 券¥5 海外直订180 Days of Reading, Writing and Math Grade 3: 3-Book Set 三年级三本书的阅读、写作和...
文目180 Days of Reading语篇类型:记叙文 话题:消防演习|词数:147 难度:★★★☆☆ 建议用时Seth leamed about fire drills(演 )at school. His class went on a school trip to the fire station. The firefighters talked to the students about safety. Schools have fire drills to prepare students for...
180 Days of Reading Grade 1 截图来自 180 Days of Reading G1 Week 10 首先Skimming 一遍,找出标题、2张图片及7个完整句。数完整句对刚开始学读写策略的小朋友很重要,因为英文里一个完整句只能有一个重点。 接下来根据 BME 快速找出对应的部分:
外文素材改编自 180 Days of READING勇于面对生活中的意外 A storm had been reported for a few days. Finally one afternoon, it arrived. Melanie had just gotten home from school when the 1 began to get dark and the wind began to blow harder.She hurried to 2 all the windows so that the ra...
23.5 180Days of READING 1 719 下载订阅分享 声音(20)评价(0) 正序 | 倒序 20 week31 432023-06 19 week27 202023-06 18 week26 472023-06 17 week 25 442023-06 16 week22 262023-06 15 week21 462023-06 14 week 20 292023-06 13 week19 442023-06 12 Week 6 352023-06 11 Week 18 232023-...
所属专辑:180days of reading 猜你喜欢 318 L.F.N.D-Rowdy by:嘻哈有态度 101 420Mixtape-F.O.D by:嘻哈有态度 7162 西语D E F by:jessica_chen8112 713 D.M.F.-Johnethan Bravo by:嘻哈有态度 112 Commercials-Nickelus F/Nickelus F Feat. G.O.D. Jewels ...
素材选自180 Days of READING管弦乐队An orchestr a (管弦乐队) is like a team. All of the musicians have to listen carefully to the other musicians. They all have to play the right thing at the right time for the music to sound its best. 1.There are different kinds of orchestras. But ...