SCANNER 1 2 N O ) ) B 1 2 N O / 2 3 4 5 6 7 1-19 DIP DIP RIO • 57.6 K baud • 115.2 K baud • 230.4 K baud RIO LEDs LEDs FAULT LED LED FAULT LED LED COMM LED LED LED FAULT LED COMM LED RIO 3 - RIO 1746-RT29 1-20 1785-LT/x PLC-5/15?( ) 1785-LT2 ...
1747-SN ,The Remote I/O (RIO) Scanner, Catalog Number 1747-SN, is theremote I/O scanner for the SLC 500. It enables communicationbetween an SLC processor (SLC 5/02 or later) and remotely located(3,048 meters [10,000 feet] maximum) 1746 I/O chassis and other RIOcompatible Allen-Bra...