经过热处理后,17-4PH不锈钢的机械性能会有所提升,具体数值取决于热处理条件。以下是一些典型的机械性能数据:抗拉强度(Ultimate tensile strength, UTS):约930-1310 MPa 屈服强度(Yield strength, YS):约620-1030 MPa 延伸率(Elongation):约10-20% 硬度(Hardness):HRC 28-38(经过热处理后)四、耐腐...
经过热处理:480°C (896°F) - 1 小时- 气冷后,可以获得最高的机械特性。 在更高的熟化温度620°C (1148°F)下,可以获得更高的延展性。 17-4PH 热处理 御钢 Hardness/Temperature tempered for 4 hours after austenitizing at 1040°C (1904°F) for 30 min quenched 100°C/sec (212°F/sec)....
密度(Density):7.7g/cm3 抗拉强度(强度极限)(Tensile Strength, Ultimate):1210 MPa (175000psi) 屈服强度(屈服极限)(Tensile Strength, Yield):1090 MPa (158000psi) 洛氏硬度C级(Hardness Rockwell C):39 断裂延伸率(Elongation at Break ):6.0% 断面收缩率(Reduction of Area):21%...
熟化/回火经过热处理:480°C (896°F) - 1 小时- 气冷后,可以获得最高的机械特性。在更高的熟化温度620°C (1148°F)下,可以获得更高的延展性。Hardness/Temperature tempered for 4 hours after austenitizing at 1040°C (1904°F) for 30 min quenched 100°C/sec (212°F/sec).加工热成形热成形...
屈服强度(屈服极限)(Tensile Strength, Yield):910 MPa (132000psi) 洛氏硬度C级(Hardness Rockwell C):34 断裂延伸率(Elongation at Break ):12% 断面收缩率(Reduction of Area):33% 无缺口夏比冲击(Charpy Impact, Unnotched):140J(103 ft-lb) ...
hardenable, rust-proof chromium-nickel-steel alloy, precedingly refined by an electroslag remelting process (ESR), combining an excellent cor-rosion resistance in normal air atmosphere, withstanding corrosion in fresh water, approximative the serie AISI 300, 303, 304, and an adequate final hardness ...
DIN w. Nr. 1.4542 17-4PH(UNS S17400)化学成分:17-4PH(UNS S17400)物理性能:Features:17-4pH is chromium-nickel copper precipitated hardened martensitic stainless steel. This grade of stainless steel has high strength, hardness and corrosion resistance. After heat treatment, the mechanical properties...
3.hardness 33Rc,331 brinell 4.heat treat profile HII50 CONDITION 能给我翻译材料的人说明吗? 对应国标号:0Cr17Ni4Cu4Nb 我给你查了一下,工具书里没有这个牌号,,,
CHEN ZHAOYUN,ZHOU GUIJUAN,CHEN ZHONG-HUA.Microstructure and hardness investigation of 17-4PH stainless steel by laser quenching. Materials scienceand Engineering A . 2012Chen Z, Zhou G, Chen Z. Microstructure and hardness investigation of 17-4PH stainless steel by laser quenching. Mater Sci Eng ...