17-4PH is chromium-nickel-copper stainless steel used for applications requiring high strength, high toughness, good corrosion resistance and high fatigue resistance.
martensitic precipitation hardening stainless it is characterised by high tensile strength and high yield strength obtained by solution annealing, followed by a single or double low temperature age hardening treatment. 17-4PH has corrosive properties comparable to 304 austenitic stainless steel in many ...
This research examines 17-4 PH stainless steel powders produced by atomization in either argon or nitrogen atmospheres (producing martensitic (伪-Fe) or mostly austenitic (纬-Fe) phase powders, respectively) and correspondingly fabricated by selective laser melting (SLM) in either a nitrogen or ...
Cadence provides 301 stainless steel, 17-7 PH, 17-4 PH, thin material, hardened, wear resistant, corrosion resistant, blades and machine knives.
Type630,commonlycalled17-4,isamartensitic,precipitationhardeningstainlesssteel.Alowtemperatureheattreatmentcanprovideunusuallyhighstrengthandhardness,withcorrosionresistancesimilartothatofType304austeniticstainlesssteel. Specifications OutokumpuStainlessType630canbesuppliedtomeetAMS5622,ASTMA564,andMIL-S-853specifications....
Indeed, isolation of the oxygen role in sintered 17-4 PH stainless steel is an area requiring further study. 不锈钢17-4PH的组成规格并不包括氧,然而,氧含量却是烧结件中的一个重要影响因素。粉末通常具有很多的氧化物覆盖在初始表面积,因此,初始氧的水准随粉末生产过程而变化。这些氧化物由其缓蚀作用会...
17-4 stainless steel ( Grade 630 ) is an age-hardening martensitic alloy combining high strength with the corrosion resistance of stainless steel. Hardening is achieved by a short-time, simple low-temperature treatment. Unlike conventional martensitic stainless steels, such as type 410, 17-4 ...
metastable austenite in 17-4 precipitation-hardening stainless steel produced by selective laser melting 热度: 翻译原文-Ultrasonic and structural characterization of anisotropic austenitic stainless steel welds Towards a higher reliability in ultrasonic non-destructive testing ...
Super Austenitic Stainless 317L 254SMO 654SMO 904L Duplex Stainless Steel S31803 S32205 S32750 S32760 S32550 S32101 Precipitation Hardening 17-4PH 17-7PH 15-5PH Ferritic & Martensitic 409L 410 410S 416 420 430F 431 440A/B/C 436L 439 441 444 COMPANY INFORMATION Our ...
This research examines 17-4 PH stainless steel powders produced by atomization in either argon or nitrogen atmospheres (producing martensitic (α-Fe) or mostly austenitic (γ-Fe) phase powders, respectively) and correspondingly fabricated by selective laser melting (SLM) in either a nitrogen or argo...