分析家6.0输出表达数量上有限制,怎么办?如编译了如下公式:1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28; 29; 30; 31; 32; 33; 34; 35; 36; 37; 38; 39; 40; 41; 42; 43; 44; 45; 46; 47...
排列规律 下一个数应该是什么第一题 2 8 24 64第二题 8 8 12 24 60第三题 81 30 13 22/3第四题 21 26 15 -33 -144第五题 117 80 53 34 21 12第六题 7 7 9 17 43第七题 157 65 27 11 5第八题 -3/8 1/4 9/(-514)能答上几个答
1 最怪的人——虎背熊腰 2 最高的巨人——顶天立地 3 最大的嘴——气吞山河 4 最长的腿——一步登天 5 最大的手——一手遮天 6 最吝啬的人——一毛不拔 7 最宽阔的胸怀——虚怀若谷 8 最长的寿命——万寿无疆 ...
21 twenty-one 22 twenty- two 23 twenty- three 24 twenty- four 25 twenty- five 26 twenty- six 27 twenty- seven 28 twenty- eight 29 twenty- nine 30 thirty 31 thirty- one 32 thirty- two 33 thirty- three 34 thirty- four 35 thirty- five 36 thirty- six...
=81°23′34″.故答案为:81°23′34″;(2)90°-78°19'40″=89°59′60″-78°19′40″=11°40′20″.故答案为:11°40′20″;(3)21°17'33″×5=105°85′165″=106°27′45″.故答案为:106°27′45″;(4)143°16'÷4=140°196′=35°49′.故答案为:35°49′. (1)先把...
(33) 99-21+70-22 (34) 14×5÷33-34 (35) 4÷90-125+67 (36) 24-48-170÷97 (37) 73÷98-106+66 (38) 76+53÷158+91 (39) 81-28÷69+27 (40) 50+20×83÷56 (41) 23÷78-40×54 (42) 118-58+73-17 (43) 161÷98÷64+75 (44) 198×12÷152-9 (45) 80×12÷54-...
individual clinical circumstances to determine any patient’s care or treatment. The National Comprehensive Cancer Network? (NCCN?) makes no representations or warranties of any kind regarding their content, use or application and disclaims any responsibility for their application or use in ...
21) 2×40= 22) 2×35= 23) 29×2= 24) 2×12= 25) 11×5= 26) 19×3= 27) 39×2= 28) 5×16= 29) 3×19=30) 4×17= 31) 2×24= 32) 3×26= 33) 47×2= 34) 2×17= 35) 5×17= 36) 23×2= 37) 31×3= 38) 26×3= 39)...
用脱式计算(1)17+83-25(2)41 ×3-76 ÷2(3)73-6 ×12+34(4)8 ×(54-49)-33(5)284-27 ×4(6)81 ÷(21-12