13944404 FIX: Access Violation occurs during a concurrent columnstore index scan (KB5001114) SQL Engine Windows 13459573 Fixes an issue where performance counter Data File(s) Size (KB) doesn't report the correct total size of database files if one file is created with initial size>4 TB or ...
13944404 FIX: Access Violation occurs during a concurrent columnstore index scan (KB5001114) SQL Engine Windows 13459573 Fixes an issue where performance counter Data File(s) Size (KB) doesn't report the correct total size of database files if one file is created with initial size>4 TB or...
13944404 FIX: Access Violation occurs during a concurrent columnstore index scan (KB5001114) SQL Engine Windows 13459573 Fixes an issue where performance counter Data File(s) Size (KB) doesn't report the correct total size of database files if one file is created with initial size>4 TB or...
如需詳細資訊,請參閱將語言套件新增到 Windows (英文)。其他相關資訊 先決條件 若要套用此更新,您必須安裝 SQL Server 2014 SP2 或 SQL Server 2014 SP2 CU17 以前的任何 SQL Server 2014 SP2 CU 發行版本。 安全性更新部署資訊 如需有關此更新的...
自動更新を有効にする方法の詳細については、「Windows Update: FAQ」を参照してください。 方法2: Microsoft Update カタログ この更新プログラムのスタンドアロン パッケージを入手するには、Microsoft Update カタログ Web...
Date: Tue, 01 Nov 2005 17:48:03 -0500 From: "Shelly (Donna) McGowan" <Shelly.McGowan_at_Sun.COM> Subject: Re: Persistence Test Integrated in QuickLook To: persistence_at_glassfish.dev.java.net Message-id: <4367F0A3.9000808_at_Sun.COM> ...
Msmdpp.dll 2014.120.5632.1 6607440 02-Apr-2019 05:16 x86 Msmgdsrv.dll 2014.120.5632.1 6743112 02-Apr-2019 05:27 x86 Msolap120.dll 2014.120.5632.1 7115344 02-Apr-2019 05:16 x86 Msolui120.dll 2014.120.5632.1 290384 02-Apr-2019 05:16 x86 Oledbdest....
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5月16日,全新荣耀MagicBook 14发布会上,荣耀CEO赵明向业界首次推出Magic OS for Windows,由全新荣耀MagicBook 14首发搭载,并宣布荣耀PC新战略:“基于软硬件协同和底层创新,对现有架构和体系实现升级和跃迁”。 会后,赵明接受了部分媒体的专访,就荣耀PC新战略,以及基于荣耀PC新战略下打造的首款荣耀笔记本新品、技术及...
Does anyone out there know of an operating system that is better than Outlook that can be used on the NOkia 9500 and synchronized wtih a desktop computer working with Windows XP? Reply d demy demapanag jr. Rxn 07 Sep 2006 i love my 9500! as a medical student its very useful, yes ...