对于一条序列,如果可以连接16S和宏基因组序列,则被称作‘bridge read pairs’(BRPs)。 该方法可用于16S rRNA与宏基因组之间的一致性注释,准确定位组装后的contigs/scaffolds中的多个16S rRNA序列,辅助宏基因组的组装,并检测16S基因拷贝数。 结果 RiboFR-Seq得到的物种注释更多且更准确,且可以对16S结果进行纠错。 ...
The pus exudate from the patient's foot wound and venous blood were collected for biochemical analysis. The distribution of bacterial flora in pus exudates of patients was analyzed by 16S rRNA sequencing, and the correlation between DFU and pathogenic variables, pyroptosis and immunity was analyzed ...
PacBio相信,如果将MAS-Seq测序技术扩展到Bulk RNA测序和16S rRNA等关键应用,也将为客户提供具有成本效益的成套解决方案和端到端软件。 PacBio公司总裁兼首席执行官Christian Henry表示:"自从我们去年10月份宣布推出第一个基于MAS-Seq的试剂盒以来,客户一直以来的需求是极其令人振奋的,甚至要求我们将该技术扩展到他们最...
www.nature.com/scientificreports OPEN Direct 16S rRNA-seq from bacterial communities: a PCR-independent approach to simultaneously assess received: 05 February 2016 microbial diversity and functionalaccepted:28July2016 Published:31August2016 activity potential of each taxon Riccardo Rosselli1, Ottavia ...
根据16SrRNA基因序列分析结果,将其分别鉴定为假交替单胞菌 (Pseudoalteromonas,Cobetia)菌,嗜冷单胞菌(Psychromonas),交替单胞菌(Alteromonas),产碱 杆菌(Alcaligens)和海杆菌(Marinobacter)。其中假交替单胞菌在两地样品中占据绝对优 势,但每个产地的假交替单胞菌不能单独聚类在一起,不同海区的海带表面存在遗传关 ...
usage of a software like EMIRGE could be tested in a 16S-rRNA-seq Illumina run or in other base-space reads output. The following further details can be outlined; the native format of the ABI SoLID technology yields data in color space, which need to be translated to base space (nucleoti...
by up to 16-fold, where the throughput increase factor is determined by the size of the short fragment. We believe that extending MAS-Seq technology to key applications such as bulk RNA sequencing and 16S rRNA will provide customers with cost-effective kitted solutions and end-to-...
之间是否具有通用性,一直以来都是广大科研学者所关注的.【目的】探究同一样品在基于MiSeq测序平台下,不同测序环境以及不同测序深度对实验数据的影响,并进一步探究造成差异的原因,以及这些差异对实验结果的影响.【方法】从鄱阳湖松门山,南矶山,饶河,白沙洲采集底泥沉积物样品,分别在2个公司进行不同测序深度16S rRNA基因...
One of the most widely used techniques in microbiota research is 16S-rRNA-sequencing. Several laboratory processes have been shown to impact sequencing results, especially in low biomass samples. Low biomass samples are prone to off-target amplification, where instead of bacterial DNA, host DNA is...
Bacterial translation initiation is influenced by base pairing between the Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequence in the 5′ UTR of mRNA and the anti-SD (aSD) sequence at the free 3′ end of the 16S rRNA (3′ TAIL) due to: 1) the SD/aSD sequence binding location and 2) SD/aSD binding affini...