Apple just released its latest lineup of iPhones, which include the iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Plus, iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max, but when comparing these new phones to last year's models, the updates seem a bit lackluster -- offering just small improvements and a handful of promises...
奢华定制:艺术与技术的完美融合 Caviar,这家以奢华定制电子产品著称的公司,再次以其独特的设计理念和高超的工艺水平震撼了业界。这款iPhone 16 Pro Max背部采用了18K纯金打造的3D皇冠浮雕设计,灵感来源于俄罗斯沙皇的帽子,镶嵌着402颗宝石,包括钻石、红宝石和蓝宝石,每一颗都经过精心挑选和镶嵌,散发出迷人的光芒。此外...
博主i冰宇宙爆料,苹果进一步收窄iPhone16 Pro Max的边框,下边框宽度只有1.15mm,刷新了行业纪录。 由于边框极窄,增加了用户的贴膜难度,该博主表示,iPhone 16 Pro Max非常挑战钢化膜黑边,稍宽一点就废了,贴歪一点也废了。 值得注意的是,iPhone 16 Pro Max不仅做到了行业最窄边框,同时屏幕尺寸增大至6.9英寸,这是苹...
外媒iphone16pro max 🔍外媒最新消息,iPhone 16 Pro Max将搭载全新BRS技术,边框更窄,屏占比创新高!📱作为全球手机市场的领头羊,苹果每年推出的新款iPhone都备受瞩目。这次,iPhone 16 Pro Max在外观设计上有着显著的改进,尤其是屏幕方面。🤩缩窄的边框和更高的屏占比,将为用户带来更加沉浸式的视觉体验。👀...
Now that we got all the Apple Intelligence out of the way, let's talk hardware - as much as Apple will let us. The iPhone 16 Pro has a 6.3" screen and the Pro Max goes to 6.9", breaking a record for world's biggest iPhone screen. The latest-generation Ceramic Shiel...
The iPhone 16 Pro will go up to a 6.3” display, while the vanilla 16 will stick to 6.1”. The iPhone 16 Pro Max will be the biggest iPhone yet with a 6.9” display – up from the 6.7” of the previous Pro Max and the upcoming Plus. The resolutions will probably be bumped...
鞭牛士报道,9月18日消息,海外科技媒体TechRadar率先测评了苹果 iPhone 16 Pro Max,称这是一款美丽而智能的野兽,Apple Intelligence 提供了一些有用且有趣的功能,但它还不是推动升级的因素。 以下为详细测评。 TechRadar测评结论:4.5星 Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max 比以往更大、更强大。它拥有漂亮的屏幕、出色的摄像...
博主i冰宇宙透露,苹果将进一步收窄边框,iPhone 16 Pro Max下巴宽度仅有1.15mm,这将刷新了行业纪录。不过这将会为用户进一步让贴膜
不过,根据市场爆料的信息,iPhone16 Pro Max的惊喜还是蛮多的,尤其是机身屏幕边框,将会刷新纪录。 据了解,仅1.15mm的边框尺寸,这一数据无疑刷新了手机边框的极限,预示着iPhone16 Pro Max将拥有全球最窄的手机边框。 而且6.9英寸的超大屏幕,不仅让这款手机成为了苹果史上尺寸最大的手机,也为用户带来了更为广阔的视...
Aside from Camera Control, the iPhone 16 Pro Max has an all too familiar design. That is, until you look toward the bottom on the right edge of the frame. That’s where Apple has put in the new Camera Control button, which sits flush with the frame, rather than sticking out a bit ...