intnum=1000;System.out.println("32位int范围内的最小值:"+Integer.MIN_VALUE);System.out.println("32位int范围内的最大值:"+Integer.MAX_VALUE);System.out.println("声明的32位int变量的值:"+num); 1. 2. 3. 4. 输出结果如下: 32位int范围内的最小值:-2147483648 32位int范围内的最大值:21474...
Boolean> IIncrementOperators<Int16> IIncrementOperators<TSelf> IMinMaxValue<Int16> IModulusOperators<Int16,Int16,Int16> IModulusOperators<TSelf,TSelf,TSelf> IMultiplicativeIdentity<Int16,Int16> IMultiplicativeIdentity<TSelf,TSelf> IMultiplyOperators<Int16,Int16,Int16> IMultiplyOperators<TSelf,T...
Boolean> IIncrementOperators<Int16> IIncrementOperators<TSelf> IMinMaxValue<Int16> IModulusOperators<Int16,Int16,Int16> IModulusOperators<TSelf,TSelf,TSelf> IMultiplicativeIdentity<Int16,Int16> IMultiplicativeIdentity<TSelf,TSelf> IMultiplyOperators<Int16,Int16,Int16> IMultiplyOperators<TSelf,T...
When this method returns, contains the 16-bit signed integer value equivalent to the number contained ins, if the conversion succeeded, or zero if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if thesparameter isnullorEmptyor represents a number less thanInt16.MinValueor greater thanInt16.MaxValue....
Value = 65535 UInt16 範例 下列範例會使用UInt16.MaxValue和 屬性,Int32確保值在轉換成UInt16值之前,位於 型別的範圍內UInt16UInt16.MinValue。 如果整數值不在型別的範圍內UInt16,這可防止轉換作業擲回OverflowException。 C# intintegerValue =1216;ushortuIntegerValue;if(integerValue >=ushort.MinValue & ...
Each argument specifies one character of the resulting String, with the first argument specifying the first character, and so on, from left to right. An argument is converted to a character by applying the operation ToUint16 and regarding the resulting 16-bit integer as the code unit value of...
mümkün olan en büyük değeriniUInt16temsil eder. Bu alan sabittir. C# publicconstushortMaxValue =65535; Alan Değeri Value = 65535 UInt16 Örnekler Aşağıdaki örnek, bir değeri birInt32değere dönüştürmeden önce türünUInt16aralığında olduğundan emin...
TryParse(String, Int16%)Converts the string representation of a number to its 16-bit signed integer equivalent. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed. TryParse(String, NumberStyles, IFormatProvider, Int16%)Converts the string representation of a number in a specified...
so the black and white image is also called grayscale image.The value of the gray-scale image matrix element is usually [0,255], so its data type is generally an 8-bit unsigned integer, which is commonly referred to as the 256-level gray-scale.The transformation of grayscale image into...
Converting an 8-Bit RGB Image to Grayscale You can perform arithmetic operations on integer data, which enables you to convert image types without first converting the numeric class of the image data. This example reads an 8-bit RGB image into a MATLAB variable and converts it to a graysca...