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429.44 Japanese Yen(JPY) to British Pound Sterling(GBP)2.23278 51.59 US Dollar(USD) to Indian Rupee(INR)4466.43262 4769.71 US Dollar(USD) to Turkish Lira(TRY)169282.05187 Singapore Dollar to Mexican Peso(MXN)15.06946 86.69 Russian Ruble(RUB) to Singapore Dollar(SGD)1.15496 ...
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Single molecule force spectroscopy reveals the molecular mechanical anisotropy of the FeS4 metal center in rubredoxin J Am Chem Soc, 135 (2013), pp. 17783-17792 Google Scholar 72 M. Bertz, M. Wilmanns, M. Rief The titin–telethonin complex is a directed, superstable molecular bond in the...