【新加坡区块链公司Marvion以1500万美元收购Euro Amazing Limited旗下IP资产】金色财经报道,新加坡区块链公司 Marvion 宣布以 1500 万美元的价格成功收购 Euro Amazing Limited 旗下高价值 IP 资产,包括与电影相关的各类改编权相关的许可权、分许可权和地域权。据悉,Marv
rnaiinn Fsiizgeuroef 1F4Za.was finer than that of BM, but the dimension and shape of grains were not uniform. In the case of the same microstructure composition, the difference of grain morphology can lead to the diversity of tensile properties. In the previous research, a mixed method ...