2-甲基-d-天门冬氨酸 InChIKey: CWAYDJFPMMUKOI-UHFFFAOYSA-N 2-甲基-d-天门冬氨酸 Inchi: InChI=1S/C5H9NO4/c1-5(6,4(9)10)2-3(7)8/h2,6H2,1H3,(H,7,8)(H,9,10) 2-甲基-d-天门冬氨酸 SMILES: CC(C(O)=O)(CC(O)=O)N 如果您需要其它格式的数据,比如:Reaction File,JSDraw...
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热词热度走势:因为后端数据接口格式与图表需要的数据格式不一致,此处利用二维数组读取map(key为年份)中关于每年的每个top关键词的频数,并将关键词、关键词对应的每年的频数存入数组,之后再放到图表相应位置显示。 var chartDom2 = document.getElementById('fre'); var myChart2 = echarts.init(chartDom2); var ...
String key= "huanghailong"; HashMap<Integer,Integer>mp =newHashMap<Integer,Integer>(); HashMap<Integer,Integer>mp2 =newHashMap<Integer,Integer>();intcnt = 0 ;//统计有多少个不重复的for(inti=0;i<key.length();i++) {intt = key.charAt(i)-'a';if(mp.get(t) ==null) { ...
python是这样规定的:如果在类中定义了__getitem__()方法,那么实例 P 就可以以P[key]的形式取值,当实例对象做P[ke python 下划线 原创 云苓苓苓 2023-02-26 13:08:12 241阅读 python 修改__getitem__ # Python 修改__getitem__方法 在Python中,我们经常会使用内置的`__getitem__`方法来获取对象中...
complexity. When combined with Windchill®, PTC’s product lifecyclemanagement software, Creo Options Modeler enables manufacturers to generate and validate precise 3D representations of product configurations defined by an individual bill of materials (BOM). Key benefits • Achieve faster design cycles...
the country's priorities as it prepares to participate in the negotiation of the AfCFTA agreement's protocol on intellectual property rights (IPRs). We contributed a position paper to that process, with a focus on key policy considerations that should form Nigeria's negotiation priorities on IPRs...
using markups to reduce rework and accelerate decision-making across the enterprise and beyond. Key benefits Accelerate the Design Process By offering comprehensive view, markup and annotation tools, as well as market-leading performance, Creo View MCAD can accelerate the important design reviews that ...
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