还附带 有意义的HDR600 和高端的TYPE-C接口 堪称完美版显示器 。 4、接下来是 38GN950 参数是 160hz刷新率 HDR600 兼容的G-SYNC UltraGear系列三款型号,27GN950/34GN850/38GN950已经陆陆续续全部上市了,现在只剩下一款 27英寸的 4K 144hz目前还没有上市、今天他就来了 27GN950: 一款4K 144HZ HDR600 4...
While motion isn't as sharp as on the Dell, it still has a fast enough response time, so it doesn't have much blur behind fast-moving objects. It has a native refresh rate slightly above 144Hz, as you can get 160Hz over DisplayPort and 144Hz over HDMI. That said, if you're look...
BlurBusters.comTestUFO.com Search Advanced search Quick links FAQ Login Register Blur Busters Forums Board index Everything Better Than 60Hz™ Display Overclocking Welcome to the Blur Busters Forums! Come JOIN the Discussions! BenQ UNIVERSAL 144Hz->220Hz OVERCLOCK for 1080p 144 Hz...
一定记得要手动开启144Hz,默认可能依然60Hz,不要出现那种空气净化器用了一年发现里面的滤芯还是没打开的尴尬现象。设置步骤,桌面右键分辨率 > 高级设置 > 监视器的界面下选择144Hz。如何确认已经开启144Hz,可以用显示器自带的OSD屏显功能,FPS计数器,并且能改屏幕中任意位置。或者上testufo.com网站,根据显示器...
Understanding HDR vs 144Hz HDR is a very particular mistress, so connection type is key. HDMI is only capable of HDR at 60Hz, which is great for watching movies and videos, but more bandwidth is required for the higher refresh rates you want for gaming. The included DisplayPort 1.4 interfac...
Understanding HDR vs 144Hz HDR is a very particular mistress, so connection type is key. HDMI is only capable of HDR at 60Hz, which is great for watching movies and videos, but more bandwidth is required for the higher refresh rates you want for gaming. The included DisplayPort 1.4 in...
There is tiny difference but most people cant tell even if they are side by side in blind test. Blasty Blosty 1 WereCat Member Bad Apple 17.8k 381 Posted February 26 On 2/26/2024 at 11:32 PM, Blasty Blosty said: Is it the same kind of difference jumping from 60hz to 144...
The GP27U excelled in our input lag test, edging out the Samsung Odyssey G8 by 2ms. Although the G8 returned the favor by beating out the GP27U in overall response time (by 2ms), the latter performed well given its 160Hz refresh rate. ...
不打FPS,基本没什么差别,打FPS,差别挺大的。 我一个144一个60,输出一样的画面,144已经黑屏转场...