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Eco-efficiency uses both a recurrent step-by-step process improvement and a radical innovation process, and can be ap- plied to products and processes. Industrial symbiosis is also stimulated so that aggre- gated impacts (multiple companies) are lowered. Eco-efficiency concept has been disseminated...
In this paper we propose a modeling framework from an enterprise engineering ap- proach identifying views, life cycle and building blocks to model extended enter- prises. This framework incorporates in early life cycle phases the required elements for business and information technology alignment. Á...
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If rework on U1 has previously been performed, then visually verify correct orientation of U1 according to Figure 1-1. The pin 1 identifying dot on top of the IC package is oriented at the top left according to Figure 1-1. 1.2 Pin Configuration and Functions GNDP GNDP PG ENA GNDP VIN...