齐心打造,听出广播温度❗️#加拿大中文电台 #AM1430 #FRT #fairchildradio #FairchildRadioToronto#秋季#感谢祭 #秋季感谢祭 #送大礼 #autumn #Fall#阳光早晨 #灯灯灯凳 #招财骏宝funfunfun #招财骏宝 #Oomomo #StGermain #新之美 L加拿大中文電台-多倫多的微博视频 ...
Fairchild Radio 加拿大中文電台(Fairchild Radio) AM1430/ FM88.9於1997年3月1日正式成立,隸屬於新時代傳媒集團的商營多元文化電台,廣泛地於多倫多地區提供粵語、國語及14種語言的廣播服務。包括坦米爾語、韓語、印度語,以至俄語、泰語、越南等語言,其中以中文廣播時段最長,每星期達至100小時。AM1430和FM88.9為順應近...
加拿大中文電台一直鼓勵廣播行業多元文化的發展,為此設立Fairchild Scholarship,以支持Toronto Metropolitan RTA媒體學院學生,鼓勵有志進入廣播行業的人士發展多元文化的意識和理解。 [Nov 25]Music 全球首播 - J. Sheon《你不用懂》 時隔5 個月,J.Sheon 再次帶著個人單曲回歸,他的新歌《你不用懂》今天起在加拿大中...
請按此瀏覽加拿大中文電台私隱政策詳情。 Fairchild Radio has a firm policy of not selling, lending or disclosing your personal information. Under all circumstances Fairchild Radio will keep your information confidential and destroy it after use. Click here for Fairchild Radio’s Privacy Policy....
Fairchild Radio believes that the best way to grow and improve the accessibility of our broadcast and services is to listen to our audience. The purpose of this Accessibility Feedback Form is to collect information from persons with disabilities (such as visually impaired, hearing impaired or ...
The DJs and program hosts of Fairchild Radio have long been popular. They have become the audience’s “trusted” friends and listeners have learned from them helpful tips on daily living. Listening to Fairchild Radio has become an essential part of Toronto living....
Statement from Fairchild Group Regarding Employment Scams 加拿大中文電台 長期招收義工 加拿大中文電台每年舉辦各種大型演出及活動,如果您有意作為Volunteer參與其中, 獲得一份難得的經驗,請將您的resume履歷email至humanresources@am1430.com。 If you are interested to work as a volunteer during Fairchild Radio even...
方法1: 你只需開啟手機的鏡頭,然後對焦以上圖片中Apple或Android的專屬二維碼(QR Code)。大部份手機便會即時連結至Apple App Store或Google Play的Fairchild APP。 方法2: 你亦可以在Apple的App Store或Android的Google Play中搜尋「加拿大中文電台」或「Fairchild Radio」。
Fairchild Radio is committed to maintaining the security, confidentiality and privacy of your personal information, as well as to controlling the collection, use and disclosure of such information. Fairchild Radio has always respected your privacy and has strived to be an open and accessible organizati...
Taiwanese band Cosmos People is going to release their fifth album "The Moment" with the first single "The Way You Are". Fairchild Radio AM1430 & FM889 is honored to premiere this love song today. Stay tuned.宇宙人最自私的專輯放肆登入,繞著你身心靈旋轉!