Yao H, Chapman SJ, Thornton B, Paterson E (2015) 13C-PLFA: a key to open the soil microbial black box? Plant Soil 392:3-15Yao H, Chapman SJ, Thornton B, Paterson E (2015) 13 C-PLFA: a key to open the soil microbial black box? Plant Soil 392:3–15...
Apostel C, Dippold M, Glaser B, Kuzyakov Y (2013) Biochemical pathways of amino acids in soil: assessment by position-specific labeling and 13C-PLFA analysis. Soil Biol Biochem 67:31–40 View ArticleApostel, C., Dippold, M. A., Glaser, B., and Kuzyakov, Y.: Bio- chemical pathways...
采用标记水稻秸秆炭进行室内培育试验,结合稳定同位素磷脂脂肪酸技术(13C-PLFA)分析得出,生物质炭1%添加量下并没有促进红壤水稻土原有有机碳的矿化分解,其对土壤释放CO2的贡献率远低于相同添加量的水稻秸秆和根系.短时期内,外源物料的添加均可以提高水稻... 李忠佩,陈晓芬,李明 - 全国土壤生物与生物化学学术研讨会暨...
QUANTIFICATION OF ENHANCED BIOREDUCTION OF CR(VI) USING 13C-PLFA MONITORING COUPLED WITH ADVANCED MICROBIOLOGICAL TECHNIQUESMicrobial populations increased from background levels of 200) much higher the bulk C of the labeled HRC®, reflecting the faster dissolution rate for the C-labeled polylactate ...
Food for microorganisms: Position-specific 13C labeling and 13C-PLFA analysis reveals preferences for sorbed or necromass CTransformation of low molecular weight organic substances (LMWOS) organic substances in soil is one of the most important processes in the turnover of organic matter, as all ...
Evidence of rapid non-targeted effects of cycloheximide on soil bacteria using 13C-PLFA analysis1phospholipid fatty acids13 C enrichmentmicrobial inhibitorsbacterianon-targeted effectsdoi:10.1139/CJSS-2019-0152Mathew J.B. SwallowSylvie A. Quideau