A 13C{1H}-NMR spectrum is defined as a type of spectroscopy technique used in chemistry to analyze the carbon and hydrogen atoms in a compound by measuring the chemical shifts of the nuclei in a magnetic field. AI generated definition based on: Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2011 ...
The 13C–{1H} high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectra were measured for poly(methyl methacrylate). The spectra clearly split corresponding to dyad, triad, tetrad, and pentad placements. The relative intensity of every peak for the spectrum of a polymer prepared with 9-fluorenyllithium ...
13C-1H HSQC multiplicity edited spectrum for enoxaparin sub-fraction 1A.Madhur, D. Shastri
Quality Assurance Assay: NMR D-xylose 13C {1H} Spectrum (75 MHz) in D2O Assignments α-pyranose C1 93.7 C2 73.0 C3 74.3 C4 70.9 C5 62.4 β-pyranose C1 98.1 C2 75.5 C3 77.3 C4 70.7 C5 66.7 α-furanose C1 97.0 β-furanose C1 103.2 Specialty Stable Isotopes for the Biomedical Sciences...
13CNMRspectrumwiththeprotonscoupled 1 2 3 4 56 1 2 3 4 5 6 13CNMRspectrumwiththeprotonsdecou pled bythebroadbanddecoupler 1 2 3 4 56 1 2 34 5 6 6.INEPT谱和DEPT谱 常谱的13CNMR谱是指谱谱谱子去偶谱。在去偶的件下,条 失去了全部C-H偶合的信息,谱子偶合引起的多重谱谱合,并 每谱原...
乙酸-1-13C(1563-79-7)核磁图(HNMR) 产品名称:乙酸-1-13C CAS:1563-79-7 分子式:C2H4O2 分子量:61.06 1HNMR IR
Analysisofaspectrumtodeterminecharacteristics Ofitssourceistermedspectroscopicanalysis.Theuse ofthistechniquehasbeenfromtimeimmemorialand scientists hadutilized the concept forstructural elucidation, identification, characterization and interpretationofsamples [1,2].NMR ...
苯甲胺盐酸盐(3287-99-8)核磁图(CNMR) D2O
1.质子宽带去偶法 2.偏共振去偶法 3.门控去偶法 4.反转门控去偶法 5.选择质子去偶谱图去偶作用对比 13C NMR spectrum with the protons coupled 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 13C NMR spectrum with the protons decoupled by the broadband decoupler 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 谱图去...
SPECTRUM analysisESTERSHYDROLYSISORGANIC compoundsCARBOXYLIC acidsNUCLEAR magnetic resonanceThe structures of the half-esters from the monohydrolysis of (exo,exo)-, (endo,endo)-, and (endo,exo)-dialkyl bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-ene-2,3-dicarboxylates were determined by 1H and 13C NMR as well as ...